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Update: “I Didn’t Think It Could Happen to Me, But it Did”

If you haven’t read my first story, you should do that real quick, the Original “I Didn’t Think It Could Happen To Me But it Did”  from a little while ago.


I’m a 34 year old male with ulcerative colitis, been having problems since 2009. I have lost everything my job my apartment and my health insurance. But I am still kicking it.

The Latest News:

Hi everyone it has been awhile since the last time I wrote and I wanted to update all my friends out in the uc world. As of right now I am doinjeffg some what better. I am not in a flare up and I am not taken all the meds right now but just one three times a day which is alot better, I have gained some weight back was at 182 now back up to 210 going to try not to gain anymore lol. I do still have stomach cramps now and then with diahrea but I am OK. I did have surgery on July 15th for the anal fistula, it was not a great thing to have done but I had to, first off my parents couldn’t go with me to the hospital the day of surgery so I drive to Columbus and stay with a good friend of mine thinking i would be in good hands well that morning he took me to the hospital and stayed with me till they took me off to surgery and told me he would be waitin, not true he left and didn’t come back till I was getting release from the hospital. I was to stay up there for a week but a couldn’t do it, so my dump ass drove home which is two hours from Columbus Ohio day after I had the surgery, but when I got home my dad was right there waiting for me in the drive way. He had to help me out of the car and help me walk to the house since then my mother has been taken care of my wounds and I do 3 to 4 sitz bath a day. I had two follow appts since the surgery but I have had to miss both of the because the first time I got a flat tire and had no money to get another tire. Then tried it again and reschuduled another appt and missed it because I got half way to Columbus and my car over heated so once again I missed that follow up. So now I am trying it again my appt is September 1st @12:00pm. I don’t mean to sound gross but I have a wire with beeds on it that come out of the anal and is tied to a string that comes out of the fistula it isn’t the most comfortable thing even when I have a bowle movement. So please pray f or me that I make it this time. I just hope that since I didn’t make it to my last appts that nothing is wrong and it is healing OK. Just alitte scared right now. So that is what has been going on with me this last two months. Please take care and I will post again to let u know if I made my appt. Good night (have to say that since it is 12:45am. Lol)

Submitted by Jeff in the Colitis Venting Area


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