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Recently Diagnosed, Stomachs Been Hurting for a While

I have just been diagnosed with UC after a considerably long period of regular stomach pain, a gradual increase in tiredness, dizzy spells followed by the shock of seeing blood pouring from my back passage 4 weeks ago. My trouble first started about 8 years ago around the same time as I gave up smoking, I picked up a stomach bug which made me very… Read More »Recently Diagnosed, Stomachs Been Hurting for a While

Stopping Ulcerative Colitis with Enemas in Cyprus

I was diagnosed with UC about 6 months ago. As I caught this really bad virus, I started having diarrhea and bleeding. It had probably started one and a half years ago when I started having episodes of diarhhea (lasting 1-2 months) with severe bloating and gasses. I just assumed it was some virus and did not pay much attention to it. However when I… Read More »Stopping Ulcerative Colitis with Enemas in Cyprus