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My Story

I was diagnosed with UC March of 2009, but my story begins much earlier than that! When I went to college in the fall of 2003, my food palate expanded to all sorts of new foods in the school’s cafeteria. I soon realized that I couldn’t eat certain foods because they caused me to have really bad gas (how awesome is that to experiment new… Read More »My Story

Welcome to My World

hey everyone. my name is Ash and I have ulcerative colitis – or to be more specific, pancolitis – which means my entire large intestine is diseased. I’ve had every medication and experienced and tried almost everything known for the disease.  here’s my story. I was diagnosed back in February 2006.  some people have symptoms for many years before finally seeking medical attention, but for… Read More »Welcome to My World

The Signs of My Ulcerative Colitis

This is something that I don’t talk about very much, but it is very important.  In a nutshell, I probably waited 5 or 6 years and suffered with Ulcerative Colitis before I really did anything.  The biggest mistake of my life in-fact.  But its true. I can remember finally telling my wife that the reason I was taking so long in the bathroom was because… Read More »The Signs of My Ulcerative Colitis