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6MP…To be, or not to be

Meet Dallas: Married father of 3. I have been flirting with flares on and off since I was diagnosed back in the summer of 2011. I have been spared the true nastiness of this disease–I realize it could be much worse. Some more about me: I enjoy reading, hanging out with the family and early morning walks. I used to run long distance, but that… Read More »6MP…To be, or not to be

6MP and Away We Go

Meet Richele Lynn: Hi again! this is an update from my original story (Pooping Machine) I submitted about a month ago. I was diagnosed with UC about 7 yrs ago. I went for my annual colonoscopy in October of this year and woah what a mess in there. ouch! Just started taking 6mp a week ago, which is why I am updating my story. Some… Read More »6MP and Away We Go

Flared Up Female

Intro: 24 year old female from Philadelphia, PA who was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at the age of 16. Long period of remission, and then back to the flare up. Colitis Symptoms: Blood, blood, blood. The urgency has gone down a lot since I was put on prednisone. My Colitis Story: First diagnosed in high school and suffered through a flare up for over a… Read More »Flared Up Female