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Mike from NYC

I was finally diagnosed in December of 2011

Question: Colonoscopy/Sigmoidoscopy Frequency?

Introduction to Mike: 22 year old, Jewish, male, New Yorker (Manhattanite, born and bred), entering my last semester of college. Looking to get into the sports world – I aspire to be the General Manager of the New York Football Giants or New York Hockey Rangers. Haha Colitis Symptoms: Bowel frequency (I go 3-7 times a day) Cramps and stomach discomfort Kidney Stones (as a… Read More »Question: Colonoscopy/Sigmoidoscopy Frequency?

Telling People That You Have UC

Some Basics About Mike: 22, Male, Jewish, New Yorker, College Student with mild to moderate Ulcerative Colitis. Was diagnosed in December of 2011, but had symptoms in early 2007. Mike’s Current Colitis Symptoms: Frequent bowel movements (around 5-8 times a day, sometimes more and sometimes less) with mucous, cramps, mucho gas, kidney stones, MAJOR anxiety and depression. No blood (thank God) Mike’s Story: Hey guys,… Read More »Telling People That You Have UC

Nervous Wreck about Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis

Introduction: A male, Jewish, New Yorker that just turned 22 in March. I’m a senior in college. I was diagnosed in December of 2011 with moderately active Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis (although I probably had it for years undiagnosed) My Symptoms: Cramps, a few daily trips to the bathroom (or not going at all. Depends on the day, I suppose), foul smelling bowel movements, kidney stones. I… Read More »Nervous Wreck about Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis