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New Research about Milk Fat and a Colitis Connection

bathroom cleaning

Getting down and dirty
while cleaning the bathrooms
at a local halfway house
with a Berkeley
volunteer group

Hey UC’ers,

Good day to all of you.  I received an email from Peter a few hours ago with some interesting new research that has been published which shows some potential links between milk and colitis which many of you might find very interesting.

Milk Fats and Bowel Disease Article

As so many people know, there is quite a bit of controversy in the world of “Inflammatory Bowel Disease”.  There are so many conflicting view, reports, and ideas about what the heck might be the cause or “trigger” of this disease.  Some of you might even know scientists (or maybe even be a scientist or researcher) who’s working to solve this exact medical mystery right now.

I myself am firmly on the side of the field that believes diet plays a major role in the disease for many people who have IBD, and for quite some time this seemed to be a very unpopular view.

It’s 2012 now, and I think it is almost time to say that the medical world is beginning to recognize how important, and how much a factor diet and gut bacteria really is to a condition such as ulcerative colitis.  As you may already be noticing, there’s going to be a huge surge in research and news articles covering our disease and the links with our gut bacteria (maybe the words microbiome, microbiota, flora etc…) coming up. And to top this all off, as part of my visit with the new GI doctor I saw last week (I needed to have this visit before getting a colonoscopy, not because I’m having symptoms, but their office requires a consult prior to having a scope done…) he told me that at the biggest GI doctors conference in the US which was just a few weeks prior, the most talked about topic the whole week was….you guessed it…. Gut Bacteria and the microbiome.

For those of you who like reading up on some of the latest developments, here’s an article about some news from yesterday on the current Microbiome projects that are happening. – Human Microbiome Decodes Bacteria

Whether or not you believe that your diet plays a part in your disease, or your family members disease is always going to be your decision.  But for those of you who do believe there is a connection, and or people with UC who have listened to your GI doctors tell you over and over again that “Diet Doesn’t Play Any Part in It!”, well, times seem to be a changing.

The world of Western medicine historically has been and probably always will be an industry/profession which is very resistant to change.  But that’s alright.  Science, research, and positive patient outcomes don’t go un-noticed forever.  Whether there ends up being a new colon removal surgery that allows UC’ers to pop straight out of their fingers someday into a toilet…I’m not sure what’s gonna happen of course, but there’s always going to be options for everyone, and I hope that’s exciting to all of you.

Have a great day everyone,


other stories I’ve written recently:

Gastro Doctor Rap

The Deep, The Dark, The Doo Doo Hole

Hard Poops and Soft Toilet Paper

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