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Water Kefir – A Great Digestive Issue Option

I think people with digestive trouble should highly consider trying water kefir as some potential help. And…there is no dairy/milk involved at all. (if you have used Water Kefir (tibicos) before, please add a review at the bottom so others can see how it worked for you!)

Me and my friend from growing up outside his bush house in NSW, Australia. He’s the guy who introduced me to water kefir.

So when I was in Australia in April visiting a close friend from my childhood, actually he was a neighbor as well, he introduced me to Kefir. He asked if I wanted some and I told him that I stayed away from high concentrations of milk.

But, he told me there was NO milk in it at all. I was surprised. I thought kefir was basically sour milk with some cultures, but for sure a milk product.


I was wrong.

There are at least two types of kefir. Milk based kefir, and water based kefir. He had been making his own water based kefir for 15 years now, and told me it could help out with some beneficial gut bacteria.

So, after he showed me how easy it is to make at home (everyone can make it in about 2 minutes), I had a glass of about three parts water, one part his home made water kefir and some citrus juice all mixed together.

The taste was fine, nothing too strong at all, maybe a little bitter but that was probably from the citrus.

here is my first batch of water kefir

And, after landing at the Gold Coast airport in New South Wales, Australia, I was definitely in need of getting my stomach/insides some help. Just a few hours earlier I woke up in Thailand and shot out of the bed to the toilet with a nasty case of 20 hour traveller’s diarrhea. A quick trip to the local pharmacy in Phuket had me squared away with a few things (i refused the antibiotics the pharmacist recommended but I took him up on the constipation making pill and the electrolyte drink mix).

Back to the water kefir, I highly suggest it. You can go to Amazon and order the starter “grains”. They are only called “grains” because they look like rice grains, but there is zero wheat/barely/grains involved.

Here is a link to Tibicos (water kefir) from wikipedia:

The grains are basically bacteria and yeast together, and they go in the water. You add some type of sugar to feed the grains. You let the mix sit for about 2 days in a room temperature dark place. And you are basically all set. When you order it online (or from a store if you can somehow find it), there will be directions on how to prepare it. It takes all of a couple minutes. You need to add some sugar for the bacteria and yeast to “eat” while it is fermenting. I am using pure cane sugar grains…they are a bit brown in color…you’ve seen that before I’m sure.

Currently, I drink about 100ml (about one third of a can of soda worth) in the morning and evening.

(Below is a video I just published one day after originally posting this story, so many questions, and I’m hoping the video will answer some of them and get more people to try this digestive option out, making water kefir is so darn easy.)

Here are some links to some cheap starter packages to get started on this ASAYW.(As soon as you wish).

Amazon affiliate links(if you order this stuff or anything on amazon after clicking the links below, the ihaveuc website will receive a small percentage of the order):

I’m going to share some video and more ideas on this soon. But I wanted to get this out there so you can have some insight into something new I’m up to.

Also, on a side note, I’ve been feeling really great lately. I have had zero bleeding for quite some time now which is of course awesome.

I have continued to have a pretty much open and free diet. I eat breads, cheeses, drink beers, wines, and pretty much eat whatever I wish. I do try to keep towards bio/organic foods as much as possible and I try to contain the fast food type stuff to once or less per week. I do still make my morning smoothies, but that is more like one or twice a week as of late. Oh…I had kangaroo three times in Australia, it was a very tasty lean red meat type of deal. Had it in tacos one night and baked in the oven two other times.

As for exercise, I have been keeping up with that pretty good too. Between 50-150 miles per week on the bike. Quite a bit of hiking and walking too, and most importantly getting outside into the sun when there is sun to be had.

I am asked nearly daily what medications I take. And, for years now, I am not on (which means NOT taking) any medications. I do not take any regular vitamins either. So, maybe you could consider this new addition of water kefir (which is about 50-100ml per day as a medication if you want…but no prescription is needed obviously).

I wish you all a great and happy weekend. And I will share some more ideas on the water kefir in the near future. I hope to hear from others who decide to give it a try, and give it several weeks in small amounts before you have any quick conclusions. That is what I have done.

Best to you all, and please…do me and everyone else a favor…if you have used water kefir before…LEAVE a “review” below with the 1-5 stars so others know how it went for you. thx!!


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Water Kefir
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 3 reviews
 by Victoria Messer
Water Kefir

Water Kefir definitely works for me. I have it whenever possible as I travel a lot for work it is not so easy for me to make my own and carry it around but whenever I see it I buy it. The yoghurt style keffir is a little harder on my stomach but still good but yes I give water kefir a good review for keeping the UC under control.
I am also using oregano oil in between bouts of pro biotics and kefir to keep the bad bacteria at bay and not let them get out of control.

 by April
Love it!

Hi! I have been using water kefir on and off for around six years. I sometimes take a break just because I get lazy. I have found it to be the simplest way to get a natural probiotic in everyday. Least expensive too! Taste great! My kid loves it because its fizzy like soda. My fave is ginger and lemon. His is grape. Amazon sells a brand from florida. Healthiest grains ever!!! They send great laminated directions and they grow like crazy!!! Now for the potty talk. Drinking kefir helped me go like a normal human. Same place,same time. Everyday. And it looks and feels like it is supposed to. Please try it. Its awesome!!! 5 stars!!!

 by Adam
Something I am happy to have added

I was hesitant to recommend this after drinking small amounts of water kefir after just one week, but after over one full month of drinking this nearly every day ( I missed a few days when I was waiting for the order to arrive), I can say with almost complete certainty that I think this can do wonders for many people with ulcerative colitis and for other people who just want to improve their gastro systems.

Pretty simple why I like it so much,
- it is simple to make
- its super cheap to make (you use some of what you have already made to start the next batch...:)
- it has allowed me to feel even more confident when dropping off number two in the toilet bowl. (Even after a night...or two nights...or more of quite heavy beer or red wine drinking...)
I hope it can do great things for many others as well.

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