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Ulcerative Colitis Update For January 29, 2011

Ulcerative Colitis Update January 29, 2011

Colitis Symptoms Seem to Be Going Away

Poops Are Coming Out Hard, Bleeding Has Stopped(still some red on TP, but thinking hemorrhoids). And no more cramping at all which is HUGE.

Hi To Everyone who is new, I’m Adam, and I have ulcerative colitis.  Also, I was in a nasty flare at the end of Dec. and Early January.  But, with the help of a low dose of prednisone and a strict follow of the SCD diet, things are coming out hard once again.  Not to say that things won’t ever return to the loose bloody days of the past we all know too well, but for now hard bombs it is.

Although Its Hard to See the Light Sometimes the Tunnel Isn’t Forever

It is very hard not to think about what life is like right now inside the colon of someone who is flaring out of control with colitis symptoms right now.  Especially because I was in that same situation just two or three short weeks ago.  Similar to my first time getting out of an ulcerative colitis flare up, it has been amazing to see what just two weeks of colon healing can do.  And I know I’m not the only person who has experienced this, right UC’ers!

The good news is that the colon doesn’t usually forget how to work properly, and once the inflammation is healed it can and will be a thing of the past and back to normal operation(dropping hard bombs again in the loo,head,bathroom,dodie shack, whatever you want to call it I guess.)

How Am I Healing the Colon and Ending the UC Inflammation?

This is the best question of all.  What the heck is someone doing to stop the “autoimmune disease”, especially when they seem to be having success?  Right now, I am healing my colon and colitis symptoms with a low dose of prednisone and a high dose, I mean VERY High Dose of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD).  If you have not tried the diet already, I’d recommend you read the details about the specific carbohydrate diet for ulcerative colitis on this page: SCD Page.

I think for sure in the past several weeks, I have followed the SCD diet more than ever before.  Please don’t get the impression that I was one day on one day off the diet previously, the answer to that is no.  I was pretty hardcore on it for the previous year, but yes, I did break some rules(cream in the coffee, and some carbs I can’t tolerate etc… every once in a while.)  But most importantly, I have begun to see some progress with the ulcerative colitis getting closer to remission.  I personally think there is a transformation going on in my gut bacteria right now, that is going to stop the inflammation even more in the days and weeks ahead.  So yea, I am super happy right now.  I do have some catching up to do with putting back on the 10 pounds I’ve lost from my recent flare up of UC, but that will happen in time for sure.

The video is an update of my prednisone tapering schedule for the past few weeks.  It shows the milligrams of prednisone steroids I have taken each day and night.  Also, there is a very smoothie section of the video too.

Lastly, thanks to everyone who has submitted their stories in the colitis Venting area this week.  As an UPDATE on the colitis writing contest, TARA’s Story about the GAPS Diet is currently in first place by just a few pageviews, thanks to her for submitting her story this week!  Over 400 people have read her story already which is pretty impressive.

And finally, Charis, the UC’er who wrote The Light at the End of the Tunnel(and her husband and maybe some others from her group) are the first to come out and say they will be joining me and my wife in Vegas in December for the Crohn’s and Colitis Half Marathon.  If anyone else in interested in joining me and the rest of us, THAT IS AWESOME.  A separate post on that will be coming up in the future.  If you are not on the email list, what are you waiting for, join up top.  It’s going to be a great, relaxed, gamble of a time… and some half marathon action too.

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