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Proctitis UC – What is It, and How to Fix It?

Suzie b daughterMy name is Suzie B. I live in Utah and my daughter has Ulcerative Colitis. Rosemarie is eleven years old and has had UC for nearly 5 years. She are currently taking Sulfasalizine with folic acid. She’s just a kid. How do I go SCD or Paleo and get her enough calories? Trying to go grassfed and organic… sigh…

Proctitis UC – What is It, and How to Fix It?

These last two years have been very difficult. Bleeding, bleeding and more bleeding. Not gushing like when she had her first flare just before she turned seven. That was scary! Just blood coating fairly well formed poop. Now we know why.

We were referred to a great pediatric g. i. doc, Dr. Harnsberger, by a friend. I can definitely refer you to some docs NOT to go to as well… We just had her third colonoscopy done because her stool samples were coming back negative for white blood cell count. If she were positive for that it would mean her body is fighting stuff down there or something-er-other. She was also negative for c-diff. She had well formed stools but would almost always have some blood coating the beginning of each poop. So there is clearly inflammation down there.

So we had the scope, and some blood work done… Her blood work says she healthy and well, but the tissue sample from her colon indicates active UC. Dr. Harnsberger diagnosed her with proctitis. In the pictures the first two inches or so of her large colon are clearly inflamed and ulcerated, but after that everything looks fine. We currently have her on an antibiotic ciprofloxacin, that is supposed to target the end of the colon. I’m not sure it’s helping.

[box type=”info”]Proctitis on wikipedia – click here[/box]

One thing I have noticed is when Rose has foods that are blended, or higher in soluble fiber that seems to make her poops smoother and there is definitely less blood with her stools. I’m just trying to find foods that are consistent.

Anyone out there who has put there proctitis UC in remission?

Do I really need to have her on soup and gelatin and applesauce for a couple months til she clears up?

Adam, if you could please send me the free UC tips ebook that could be helpful. I have read your story, and it is wonderfully inspiring. What I would love to know is for those with really tough cases of UC how long has it taken for you to come out of it. What has worked?

Readers, those of you familiar with proctitis what has been helpful for you?

I really don’t want to do remicade!


Foods that help with inflammation and keep poop soft?

I’ve been keeping her off grains and dairy. Nuts, and and cruceriferous veggies are too much for her right now.

Chia, opinions on chia? looking for foods to gel and smooth things along. It’s hard too keep her drinking and hydrated as well. Bleh!

Thank you sooooo much!

Suzie B.

submitted in the Family Members of UC’ers venting area

(Suzie’s previous story titled: Stopping the Bleeding – My 10 Year Old Has Colitis – read here)

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