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Nearly SCD Legal Dinner of Beef Kebab, Almost Rated G

So tonight was a bit different, tonight we had a little bit of cow for dinner. No, but actually yes. We decided to grill up some beef kebabs. If you are anything like me, you eat about 5 or six different meals and that’s about it. Sounds pretty boring right? Well, yes it is. But, having this IBD disease has led me to one bigtime realization, “If it aint broke, don’t fix it!”. That’s something that seems to hold true to me following the SCD and keeping the UC symptoms dormant. Without further delay, please watch the video, my hope was that it might be funny for someone.
Here is the actual video from just moments ago when we made up the beef kebab dinner:

One little side comment: If you are new to this site and wondering what SCD is, please refer to the SCD section up top to read about it from other stories. If you know what it is and have tried it to fix your UC symptoms and did not have the results you were hoping for, I apologize, as this video might tick you off. But at the end of the day, some of the ulcerative colitis treatments work for some, and not for others. As I am now coming on my year anniversary next month of starting the SCD, I am not as naive to think that its a SAVE ALL FOR EVERYONE the SCD diet. But more realistically, its a big helping hand for a decent percentage who use it to treat their colons.

The ingredients needed for the Beef Kebab dinner we had plus side salad came in at about $15 for two people:
.74 pounds of ground beef
1 $2 bag of mixed greens(iceberg, carrots, red cabage etc…)
2 tomato
1 white onion(wife grated it up and put it in the beef before going on skewer)
some cucumber dressing(probably not 100% SCD legal, but I only had a small dab)

that was pretty much it, a tiny bit of salt and pepper on the meat too.

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