Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

99 Person Colitis Joint Pains Survey

Adam from ihaveuc The “Colitis Joint Pains” Survey data is complete,

and you can read all of it below.  (There’s even a few poems at the bottom!)

This survey was a total of 8 questions, and it had our biggest turnout to date with 100 people responding.  Because 1 of the respondents answered “No” to question #1, that person’s response was removed from the rest of the data.  On behalf of everybody who finds the data valuable and helpful, I would like to thank all of the participants from 13 different countries who completed the survey.  These 99 participants, kindly donated over 18 hours of time filling out answers to the following questions:

  1. Confirm that you are diagnosed with UC and that you have experienced “joint pains”
  2. Did your joint pains start BEFORE or AFTER your UC diagnosis?
  3. How would you describe your joints pains to someone who has never experienced “joint pains” before?
  4. Do you think your joint pains are related to your UC?
  5. Have you talked with a doctor about your joint pains?
  6. What have you been doing to treat your joint pains?
  7. When at its worst, how painful is your joint pain?
  8. IF you have any advice, thoughts, or POEMS you’d like to share about Colitis Joint Pains, feel free!


Question 1:


Confirm that you are diagnosed with UC and that you have experienced “joint pains”

Yes:  99 people

No:    1  person (this persons answers were removed from all the data below)


Question #2:

Did your joint pains start BEFORE or AFTER your UC diagnosis?

Before:  38%

After:     62%


Question #3

How would you describe your joints pains to someone who has never experienced “joint pains” before?


Question #4:


Do you think your joint pains are related to your UC?

Yes:           70%

No:            30%

Not Sure:    0%

Question #5:

Have you talked with a doctor about your joint pains?

Yes:         72%

No:          28%

Question #6:

What have you been doing to treat your joint pains?


Question #7:

When at its worst, how painful is your joint pain?

Pretty BAD pain:     38%

There’s pain              37%

THE WORST PAIN EVER (I’d rather smash my finger with a hammer)   11%

A little pain        10%

I barely notice the pain ( I can think of all sorts of things that are worse)  3%


Question #8:

IF you have any advice, thoughts, or POEMS you’d like to share about Colitis Joint Pains, feel free!

Poops and bleeding under control?    
Colitis joint pains can still take their toll.

Having Colitis ain’t shits and giggles

But rather than freeze ya gotta still wiggle.
Walk it out and shake your thang
Cuz you’re more than poop and blood and pain!


 Read the other Survey results in the SURVEY SECTION – CLICK HERE

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