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7 Factors I Think Lead to My UC

jesse with ulcerative colitis

I'm Jesse


Hi everyone! My name is Jesse. I am a female born in 1978. In January 2012, I was diagnosed with UC. So I have started the GAPS diet. I will post info here for you all that I find helpful. Good Luck!

My Colitis Experience:

Hi everyone! My name is Jesse and I’m a 33 year old female who has just been diagnosed with UC (January 2012). For the entire month of December 2011, I had blood and mucus in my stool. It was the only sign I had that something was wrong. My P.A. referred to a GI specialist. He performed a colonoscopy and diagnosed me with UC. My husband and I have been following a very healthy and nourishing diet based on the research of Sally Fallon and Weston A. Price for about a year and a half prior to the diagnosis. I feel that our way of eating may have helped alleviate some symptoms (as in I have yet to experience constant diarrhea or pain of any sort just blood in stool and I was only going 2-3 times a day). I don’t know if the healthy diet leading up to it may be why I have had so few symptoms or maybe I’m just one of the “luckier ones”. I just started the GAPS diet in hopes of continued and long term healing (eliminating all sugars, starches and grains and up’ed my intake of bone broth, fermented foods, and probiotic supplements). I have decided to forgo all prescription medications from my GI Dr. Based on the research I’ve done, here are my list of reasons why I think I have UC. Do any of these apply to you?

  1. Was not breastfed as an infant (breast milk being the main source of beneficial bacteria/probiotics for an infant. Formula doesn’t contain probiotics).
  2. Received all of the childhood vaccinations (which contributes to the die off of beneficial bacteria in the gut)
  3. Ate mainly processed foods (again, does not nourish beneficial bacteria but feeds the bad bacteria with preservatives and sugars leading to “leaky gut”)
  4. Had bad acne (a sign of gut imbalance and “leaky gut”)
  5. Was prescribed and took antibiotics for acne for many years. It was never suggested that I take a probiotic along with the antibiotic, so I was essentially killing not just the bad bacteria but the beneficial as well. Thanks a lot modern medicine.
  6. Was on the birth control pill for 10 years. Again, the same story. BC pills contribute to the negative balance of gut flora.
  7. In college, I partied. That’s all I’m gonna say about that.

Put it all together and it sounds like a winning UC diagnosis to me. I know I don’t have any references listed, but given the research I’ve done, these are my conclusions. I’m hoping the GAPS diet will work and I truly believe that it will. My husband and I want to have a child and I would hate for our unborn to be brought into this world with an unbalanced gut b/c of me (the first bacteria to populate in a child’s gut comes from the mothers birth canal, given the birth is vaginal) or something worse. And so the journey begins!

p.s. I feel like everyone should take a moment and read this article. I do believe there are many modern lifestyle factors contributing to the rise in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases…vaccinations, antibiotics, processed foods, etc. Please check this article out… , I’m now going to ask the hubbie to build us a squatting platform to fit on top of the “throne”, due to my recent diagnosed of uc. I’m just looking for any and everything I can do on my own that will help me heal. Good luck! Adam, if this works, which I don’t see why it wouldn’t, you might want to consider changing your logo pic to a circle of squatters :)
Good luck everyone!

Colitis Medications:

Dr. prescribed an anti-inflammatory supository to be taken every night
written by Jesse
submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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