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Over 8 Months on SCD :)

Hey Everyone,

I haven’t written in awhile but I wanted to update you all on how I’m doing on the SCD!

So, I have just past the 8 month mark on SCD! I am so happy and proud of myself that I have made it this far. The journey to where I am now hasn’t been fun or easy, but I am happy to report that for the past 3 months I have NO symptoms. I experienced a pretty bad flare when I got back from South Africa in November. It lasted about 3 weeks. During those 3 weeks, I was pretty depressed, I just wanted to get better. I must note that the flare wasn’t as bad as it was pre-SCD. I went back to SCD basics (easy to digest foods and soup) and in 3 weeks I was back to normal! During that flare I also started acupunture twice a week. I really feel that this helped me as well.

I went to Jamaica at the end of December after the flare was over. It was pretty easy staying on the diet while I was there, I ate alot of FRUITS AND VEGGIES! I didn’t drink at all which was the most difficult thing for me. But I still managed to have a great time and feel great as well!

Its been 3 months since have seen blood and mucus! I am pretty regular going about 2-3 times a day mostly all solid! I couldn’t be happier. Thoughts of UC no longer control my life. I feel free and in control.

With regards to missing food, obviously its hard sometimes when you crave something that you cant have. But I always remind myself that no food is worth the pain in the ass (literally) of Ulcerative Colitis.

Yesterday I was sooo happy. My mom made me butternut squash fries and chicken wings. I actually felt normal and enjoyed every bite of my dinner!

I know alot of you out there are struggling with UC. I read the stories all the time and feel sad because I know how bad it can be. I wish everyone found success using the SCD but I know that’s not the case.

Currently I am still on Salofalk tablets. I also take a SCD probiotic everyday and go to acupuncture once a week. I have a followup appointment with my GI next week. I am curious to see what he will say about my improvement.

I am a lil worried that I will see the 9 month flare that Elaine talks about in BTVC. Now that I look back on it, I did have a mini flare at 3 months and another one at 5-6 months like she predicts. I am hoping that I skip the 9 month one!

I also think alot about the future and how long I will stay on SCD. Since it has worked so well with me I sometimes feel that I want to stay on it forever! I am only 25, so that is a LONG time! I know for sure that I will not go back to the way I was eating before!

I wish everyone happiness and health. This support group has really helped me get through the good times and the bad times. It reminds me that although UC sucks, it doesn’t have to be the end of a happy life for us. It could be the beginning of a new and improved life like it has for me :)

Jessica’s story is now entered into the 2011 Ulcerative Colitis Writing Contest!!! You Can Join too, click here for details


For more information on the SCD and ideas on how to give it a try, visit the Diet Page

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