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Mom of 3 and Dealing with A Nasty Colitis Flare, It’s not Easy

My name is Michelle, I’m 35 years old and I have UC.

I was diagnosed in Dec 2005, one month after my daughter was born. I currently have 3 children (via c-section) (4, 2, and 1)…so needless to say its a little busy around here. I have had flare ups before but always have been under control with a short dose of prednisone. In April of 2009, i was 8 mo pregnant with my 3 child and in a flare. I was on prednisone for about a month and a half before my son was even born. Fortunately, he came early and things calmed down after. But here I am. I started the current flare in early June, started prednisone mid June and by June 30th I was in the hospital getting IV steroids and God only knows what else. I spent 20 days in the hospital, with one round of Remicade. After leaving the hospital on July 19th, I got my secomd round of Remicade that next Friday…to no avail…I thought that this stuff was suppose to work? So here I am, still on prednisone, asacol, bental (for th e cramping)…oh and I have thrush which is lovely (a yeast infection in your mouth, another awesome side effect to the prednisone). I wake up on the toilet, take my meds, feel like crap all day and go to bed thinking “my God when is this going to end?” I am seeing a specialist on Monday…I pray that they have something more for me. My doctor said that there is not much more he can do and the he has exhasuted all options…yikes!! I have tried the SCD…to no avail. I hope and pray that there is a solution to all of this. I miss playing with my adorable children and I feel like such a burden to my husband. I know that its “in sickness and in health”, but this is going a little far. Has anyone out there had flare-ups around pregnancies or related to pregnancies (hormones)? Just thought I’d ask, cause mine seem to fall right around when I’ve had my kids…
Thanks for listening.
All the best,

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