Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Extraordinary Raw Food Healing

Meet the Sungazer:

Hey, my name is Adam and I have UC for about 3 years. The condition has permeated every aspect of my life and i have no viable long term medication that can control it. When the only option the doctor could offer me was colectomy, i turned to specific diet and lifestyle modifications in a last ditch attempt to save my colon. I am currently following Self Healing Colitis & Crohn’s protocol. In 9 weeks my disease and my life has turned on it’s head. The healing that i have gone through has been incredible – there is still more to go and it has been one of the hardest things i have ever had to do in my life with many dark, dark days. Yet the process has been enlightening. I know for sure i can be 100% healthy again and stay that way too. I am here to encourage anyone who is suffering and unsure where to turn, to consider following a plan like the one proposed by David Klein.

Some more about me:

I am sporty and musical 29 year old from London. I am a teacher, drummer and man of ideas. I teach primary school children, children with special needs, kit drums, samba drum, African drumming and ukulele. As a pro drummer i have toured across the UK, Europe and USA performing at major venues and festivals.

I am lucky to have a loving and caring partner who supports me in health and sickness and in all that i do. I also have a family full of love and care. With these people behind me i know i can achieve anything i want to if i set my mind to it.

Colitis Symptoms:

Right now, almost none!

3 months ago i would have said constant bleeding; mucous, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, cramps, bubbling, gas, groaning and whining, nausea, headaches, high urgency – i practically lived in the toilet.

My Colitis Story:

When i was diagnosed with mod-severe colitis in 2010 my first reaction was that i didn’t want to get sucked into the medical route. my sister has the same condition and she has been on meds for 10 years – her symptoms remain. I did some frantic internet research, found a self healing book and spent 3 nasty days with diarrhea and not knowing what to do whilst seemingly exacerbating my problems having not read the book properly. All the advice i was getting was to take the meds and do some lifestyle modifications along the way. It was a confusing time and it is hard to heed the expert advice of experienced specialists as well as the desires of close friends and family. I took the medications voicing that if in a few years time i was in the same position i would come back to a self healing plan. i spent the next 24 months in constant flare searching for the elusive combination of toxic medication that would control the symptoms of the condition and retur n some normality to my life. It never came. Having tried every type of conventional medication and concoction of meds, the doctor could only offer me experimental drugs or to totally remove my colon.

At this stage it was an easy decision for me – NEITHER! It was clear drugs weren’t working for me and there was absolutely no way, at the age of 29, i was prepared to lose my colon for the rest of my life. I knew it was time to read that first self healing book properly and take control of my own health.

David Klein’s self healing may seem drastic at first but it’s simplicity is it’s beauty. Eat only nourishing, raw, fresh fruits and veggies – the food that nature naturally provides for us. The idea is to flush out and clean from all the toxicity that exists in my body and rebuild and new and healthy one. I had been constantly modifying my diet since day 1 of diagnosis and so i was used to restricting the foods i could eat. On this plan, i could feel my body reacting within the first week. After 2 weeks, some symptoms seemed to diminish and i was ecstatic. The next few weeks turned very very dark and were probably the harshest times i have spent whilst experiencing UC. To have all your symptoms return and continue on the plan was incredibly physically and mentally demanding. The hardest thing was to push through despite severe weight loss and tiredness carrying a disease as fearsome as ever. Breaking through this period was the best thing i ever did. From week 5 of being on the plan, i have made great strides to a point 9 weeks down the line where i almost have no symptoms at all. This is the honest truth. My only lingering symptom is gas.

My healing journey has been an incredible and enlightening experience. I know for sure i can be 100% well and remain that way. I will not be able to go back to the lifestyle i had before i was diagnosed but i feel better for it. I almost feel indebted to my colitis for guiding me to a place where i now know how to properly look after all aspects of my life – body, mind and spirit.

I want to share my little story to add to the growing consciousness that diet and lifestyle have a massive part to play in the onset of UC or seemingly any other ‘itis’ or condition. I know that UC is different for everyone and healing is a very personal journey. It is important to find the method that you believe in and works for you.

David Klein’s plan resonated with me and it has done me wonders. Certainly, there is not only 1 way. I am here to say that it is possible to take control of your own health and make your own decisions about how to overcome UC.

I’m happy to hear what people think about using raw food as a healing method and answer any questions people may have.

Medications and Current Diet Treatments:

I’m hoping to be successfuly off meds in 2 weeks time for the first time since diagnosis in october 2010

Current: Mezevant 1.2g per day and reducing

5ASA Mezevant – 4.8g per day
Prenisolone – up and down from 40mg (18 months)
6Mercaptopurine – 100mg per day (7 months)
Infliximab (Remicade) – 3 infusions
Methotrexate – 25mg per day (6 months)
Asacol suppositories
Salofalk Enemas
Budesonide Enemas

Elementa liquid diet
LowFlex Diet
Low Residue diets

written by “Sungazer”

submitted in the colitis venting area

you can read more about my experiences at:

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