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Wish U.C. Stood for Under Cover Instead

Beav has colitisIntroduction:

Hi, my name is Beav, and I have U.C. I was diagnosed in 2002 with “mild” symptoms and now graduated to “moderate to severe” conditions when i had my colonoscopy earlier this year.
I’m 42 and try to stay active by jogging and eating right. I am 125 lbs. and when I have a relapse, I tend to drop weight to 112 lbs. which I look awful at for my 5ft. 4in. frame.
This disease sucks and I feel at times it is mainly due to what we feed our bodies, the preservatives in foods, the fast food eateries, soda, and stress. I believe we have allergies to foods that cause inflammation in our gut and it wreaks havoc on our bodies.
I am a bit of a pessimist and at times feel I need to more positive minded.
My family has no idea what it’s like to eat a meal, then 20-25 mins. later have a stomach ache and have to run to the crapper with cramping. Milk products, white pasta and white bread make my symptoms worse so I try to avoid them at all costs.
Tried sherbert but found out it has milk in it…..

My Symptoms:

gas, bloating, weird alien stomach noises, nausea if I eat too much, feeling of being full, rare diarrhea, blood if I eat foods I should avoid like ice cream, spicy foods, white bread, white pasta and sweets.

My Story:

I am wondering if others have eliminated white bread and pasta from their diet, and if it’s made a significant improvement in your health.
I’ve read online eating dried fruit and fruit skins if you have U.C. is bad for your gut. Not sure if I believe this to be true. Also sodas – diet or regular.

U.C. has changed my life for the worse. There are times I feel I am bleeding through my pants, and I’m not. There are times I feel I will have an episode while at work and ppl will hear me in our quiet office taking a crap.
I have left the office before just to use another bathroom because I don’t want others to hear me in the restroom. It sucks.

I am most concerned about my life being cut short as my mother’s was from Colon Cancer. She was diagnosed at age 51 and died at age 59. I get bi-annual colonoscopies (joy) and dread going to the doctor because it seems every time I go, my disease has progressed further. Of course the doctor’s answer to a ‘cure’ is to remove your colon, but I am trying hard to hold onto that part of my body, as much as I am not all too fond of it right now……

My family is supportive but at times they piss me off when they try to force feed sh$t that I can’t eat that they can, i.e., ice cream sundaes, junk food and alfredo sauce (that just tears me up). My husband has an iron gut and can eat anything he wants so at times he cannot relate. If I tell him I don’t want to eat a certain food for dinner, he says it’s okay to eat it, but he does not understand how a simple food item can incapacitate me for 2-3 days. It’s just not worth it to me anywhere to eat the things I love, then pay for them in a toilet with an exhaust fan as my only friend for 1/2 hour…..

I like my doctor. He stays in contact w/me and I receive follow up letters from him to come in and get checkups.

May I also add that I have PSC which goes hand in hand with U.C. PSC is a very rare liver disorder. So I’ve been blessed with 2 diseases…..both diagnoses were in 2002…..the worst day of my life it seemed when they told me I had a potentially deadly liver disorder, oh – and U.C.

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:

Symptom free and happier….I know there is no cure for U.C. but I’d love to be able to not have to look for a toilet or avoid long road trips because I may have to use a bathroom.
That’s why I don’t go boating or anywhere that has no toilets around for a long period of time.
I also hate taking craps in public bathrooms……

Colitis Medications:

Apriso (prescription) – 4 capsules per day for U.C.
Align – over the counter probiotic highly recommended by my Gastro. He has seen improvement in many of his patients who use Align.

Vitamins: Gummy Immune Support Vitamin C – 4 per day.
Fish Oil – 1600 mgs. daily to help prevent inflammation.

written by Beav

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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