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The Battle of a Lifetime: Quit Smoking then Diagnosed with Colitis

Hello fellow UC friends, So Nice to be able to express myself to people who will genuinely understand!

I am a 35 year old wife and mother of two beautiful, healthy boys ages 4 and 2.  I was diagnosed 5 years ago with UC. No history in the family.  This is Nicole’s story: 5 years ago I quit smoking and two months after I noticed blood in my stools and changes in the form of the stool.  The doctor prescribed me suppositories.  All good… pregnant and after my son was born I lost alot of weight, couldn’t stop going in and out of the bathroom!  We had NO IDEA what was going on with me.

I am only 5’2 105lbs and was in the 90’s Crazy! After having a colonoscopy, they diagnosed me with UC, moderate…I am now moderate to severe, tried almost all the meds 6-mp, asacol, lialda and tomorrow going in for my 4th Remicade treatment which worked wonderfully the first infusion but then after that it is not as effective. We will see tomorrow. And this is the first time I am going in to the infusion without being on Prednisone….need to see if the Remicade will work on it’s own not to mention that !  It can make me feel like Super woman which is a great feeling with two kids and always having low energy prior. I hear stories about people who are able to be in remission from UC for years…..I just hope and pray that one day that could be me.  I try to be so positive everyday……but it can be so hard when you take your kids to the store and you have an accident and have to leave…..I just need to know how can I get better, stronger, healthier? I want to live a long life…….

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