Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Sulfasalazine for Paul


My name is Paul,I’m 33.  A few days ago on Oct, 5th, 2011 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis.   I’ve been Hospitalized multiple times in the past for abdominal pain/bloody stools, and seem to have suffered from on and off spells of diarrhea probably since my teens.

My Story:

I have been a heavy smoker for the past 15 years,and have stopped cold turkey almost 2 years ago, I started exercising and taking control of joint problems.  Feeling better than ever, except for 1 year into stopping smoking I developed canker sores in my mouth, 4 to 6 at a time and always constant.  Which seem to increase with stress or eating hard foods that scratch the inside of the mouth. A mouth rinse called Mycostatin seemed to help the best alongside eating softer foods.  However, For the past month I have been going through this flare up, going to the bathroom a dozen times a day ,once or twice at night. I just feel drained and raw. My question to anyone would be about my prescription for Sulfasazine.  Is sulfasalazine very successful & if so how long does it take before sulfasalazine starts helping?

Also, one more question:  Can a Doctor identify or diagnose UC during a colonoscopy while the patient is in remission ?

Submitted by Paul aka “Realivemovement” in the Colitis Venting Area


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