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SCD is Doing It For me!

Kyle and his wife in Times Square, NY

Kyle and his wife in Times Square, NY

Woah man! It has been quite some time since I gave my IBD family a full on update on how my life has been going. I think part of the reason is this year has been so solid for me and my health that I have been busy doing “normal” people stuff like working my job J Probably should give you a quick introduction, my name is Kyle. I live in North Central WA, where I teach 7th grade. I am a committed follower of Jesus and I have an amazing wife, Tiffany, who has walked with me hand in hand through this crazy gut disease that has robbed me of 6 months of life in the past three years. I have Crohn’s disease. I was diagnosed in July 2012 and have been thrown up and down and all around the past three years from the effects of this disease. Ok so there is my intro…

So now how have I been doing? Well believe it or not I am currently on the longest streak of “healthiness” since being diagnosed in 2012. I am currently at the weight (160) that I was originally at before I got sick three years ago and I am currently doing it all without any medications, I am full on SCD and so thankful for the improvements that I have seen as a result of my commitment to the diet. I have now been on the SCD for 1 year and 7 months. It has been a challenge and I am not going to sit here and lie to you that it has been a cake walk, but I have been on all the major medications for UC/Crohns (Lialda, Prednisone, Humira, and Remicade) and have either had no responses to the medication or allergic reactions to them. The SCD has really given me my life back, and I have a very committed wife who is completely supported of the diet and willing to figure out ways to give us variety and flavor to all of our meals. (Thank you Pintrest and Google)

My GI’s take has been a supportive one, I don’t know that he completely understands the SCD, but basically he ran out of options with the meds, I suggested that we give this a try and he agreed. I have a check-up next week with him, but last summer he did a quick peak with a flex sig and said, “If I didn’t know you, I would have no idea that you have Crohn’s Disease.” Pretty Awesome!

Lately I have been really trying to educate friends and family on the importance of what goes into your body and how it does play a role (whether the medical world thinks so or not) on how our bodies function. Now I never tell people this is the “cure all, be all” because I know that people have tried it and haven’t had success, I know that there are still little things in my life in which I deal with because I have a chronic illness, but I have seen the most successful year of health in 3 years, and that is doing it all through what goes into my body. BTW I do take pro-biotics, fish oil, and vitamin D.

I think the most exciting thing for me is that I have seen success through this diet, and as a result of that it has made me even more committed. I know the worst end of IBD and for me to be able to live my life in a somewhat normal (other than always being the topic of conversation when we have friends over for dinner) has made me even more willing to commit to the SCD. I am happy to have conversations or chats with any of you guys that have questions. If you need to know my “wrap-sheet” with my IBD feel free to refer back to my older posts. You guys are all rock stars, thanks for being such a supportive community. I am daily thanking God for this community!



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