Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

My 40th Birthday Gift…Ulcerative Colitis

This is Who I Am:

I am a 42 year old female who was diagnosed with UC about a year and 1/2 ago. It has been an ongoing struggle and I can honestly say I have not been in remission for the entire time, until I recently started Prednisone.

And Here’s My Colitis Story:

When I was first diagnosed I was told I had proctitis and only about 20% of cases become more widespread and develop into Ulcerative Colitis. Unfortunately the suppositories only worked for a short time and I went back to be re-checked. I moved on to enemas and Lialda. They both made things better for a couple of weeks and then slowly my symptoms started up again. Finally the MD suggested a sigmoid. The sigmoid, which was quite painful :(, showed that the ulcers were now beyond the rectum and that indicated true UC.

I finally started on 40 mg’s of Prednisone and titrated down over 8 weeks.

I felt great on the Prednisone

and did not have any bad side effects,

except a little weight gain.

Now that I am off the Prednisone, all my symptoms have come back with a vengeance. I guess Remicade is the next option, but I am not looking forward to being on something long term. I am going to give a severe change in diet a try before I move onto the Remicade.

Scheduled for another colonoscopy this month to see how extensive things have gotten. Can’t wait to prep for that :). Good times! I don’t usually share this stuff with anyone, but I just have no one who understands and is willing to talk. I am married with 3 kids but everyone is so busy and caught up in their own life that its hard. My husband is an insulin dependant diabetic, so he has his own challenges. I hope to find some support in this forum.

I have always been healthy, exercise regularly and maintain a good weight. I have been zapped of my energy since I had this diagnosis and was wondering if others have had the same experience. As a result, I don’t run regularly like I used to. I have gained some weight and would like to exercise, but with all the symptoms, I find it difficult. I also work about 60-70 hours a week and spend the rest of my time with the kids. Looking for a way to increase my energy level. The Prednisone was great for that, but short lived.

Thanks for the site and any support or comments

would be welcome!

Submitted by PHILLY in the Colitis Venting Area, feel free to share your story too!


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