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L-Glutamine and Fish Oil Supplements

Intro to Joan M:

Hi, I have had UC for 14 years. I was diagnosed in 2000 at the age of 45 years old. I have been taking Asacol for most of those years. I was on Prednisone for a number of months in the 2000, Imuran for a couple of months and then just Asacol. I quit smoking in September 2013 and within 2 weeks I was in a flare. It’s now February 2014 and I am still battling this flare-up. I started the SCD diet about 10 days ago, I’m sticking to it religiously and I am hoping that I will have good results. I am considering trying L-glutamine and fish old pills. Can you give me any good feedback on either and what dosage of each supplement would be good for me to start with. Please respond as I am getting so frustrated and want to find something natural instead of being lead down to the pharmaceutical path to stronger medications such as Remicade. Thanks for listening and I really appreciate your website. Thanks.

Some more about Joan:

She works at a school

Symptoms Joan Has:

blood, diarrhea, urgency

Joan’s Story:

I take Asacol HD, Rowasa enema and Canasa.
Diagnosed in 2000 at age 45. Does anyone take L-glutamine
or fish oil pills? What dosage and how often?

I think the EVOO is interesting and I do believe that could be effective. I just can’t see drinking a tablespoon of EVOO three times a day without gagging on it. I love olive oil but I need to have it over lettuce or something like that in order to get that much down.

Any suggestions as to another way that the EVOO can be ingested. Perhaps in a smoothie?

He suggests taking on an empty stomach, I don’t know if I could handle that.  Any suggestions would be helpful as I will try the EVOO as remedy.

I have been through a couple of GI docs and of course the say the don’t know why nicotine affects the colitis, diet doesn’t have any effect on the colitis and that the meds are the only real remedy. Although, one of the GI specialists did tell me that research has indicated that eating yoghurt and the probiotics are effective if taken religiously. I am now making my own yoghurt since starting the diet. I feel that the foods on the diet are soothing to the gut and I am really hoping that I get good results from the SCD diet. I am being so careful not to eat anything illegal, it’s hard but if helps cure that horrible disease, I will stick with it forever. I just want to be able to function again and live life in a healthy manner.

I have such a hard time at work sometimes with urgency, sometimes with getting sickened by something I ate (previous to the SCD diet) and the fatigue that goes along with the disease. Please give me some feedback to my questions. Thanks so much.

written by Joan M and submitted in the colitis venting area

Adam Scheuer – founder of iHaveUC

Ask Adam:

“Do you take any supplements like L-glutamine or fish oil pills? If so, what dosage and how often?”

Hey Joan,

Thanks for sharing what’s going on with your UC, and I hope you see some awesome improvements to your colitis and over control of your bowels moving forward.

To answer your question, No, I don’t take any supplements like L-Glutamine or fish oil pills.  Some people definitely do take those types of supplements, and some of those folks have had success with them.

If you’d like to read a story about a UC’er using L-Glutamine…let’s see…UM…BEV!

That’s right, have you read Bev’s story yet?  Here’s the link to her most recent post here:

Bev has been pounding the L-Gluta for a long time and unless something’s changed I don’t know about, she’s still taking it right now.

Fish oil, part of your question too.  I’m no fish oil expert by any means, but here’s an idea you might really like.  If you’re getting into starting the SCD diet (which I think is GREAT!) why not also start including a good healthy amount of fish into your meals?  Certainly you’ll be getting some fish oil there, and maybe killing two birds with one stone.

Seriously, I’m all about people doing whatever it takes to get healthy from UC, but on the same type of thinking, good high quality protein, baked/broiled/even grilled is a really good move for SCD eaters like me.  And if you can get your fish oil from the actual food, BINGO.

I wish you the best Joan, and thanks again for sharing your story.  Let us know how you’re feeling in a few weeks and please keep up with us.

Adam Scheuer

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