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J pouch Surgery Update

after j pouch surgeryIntroduction:

Hello, My name is Michael Schroll and I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2010. I recently had a J pouch surgery on 11/12/13. My Surgeon says I made the right decision and I can’t wait to go home.

Some more about me:

I enjoy riding motorcycle and photography. I can juggle and am currently learning how to ride a unicycle. I’m a film major from Miami,FL.

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for all the support and friendly E-mails. My surgery was a success and the Dr. is very pleased with my stoma. My pre-op wasn’t as easy as I anticipated and I threw up a lot of the mira-lax mixed with apple juice. I was nervous that my colon wasn’t clear but they assured me that I was empty. My colon was extremely inflamed and my Surgeon is positive that I made the right decision. R.I.P Colon 11/07/91-11/12/13

I woke up from surgery and my lungs felt crushed. I literally felt like I had a car on top of me. I did some breathing exercises and within a few days was back to normal. Every movement especially any laughing killed me. Even talking hurt, so I had to choose my words carefully. The morphine seemed to really help with the pain. I had a clicker which I could use every 10 minutes, so I would intensely stare at the clock waiting for another click. I managed to go for a short walk the first night of my surgery. I was immediately on a clear liquid diet but was in more pain than hunger.

The next day I was on a full liquid diet and still felt pain. Sleep was difficult with nurses coming in all throughout the night. Not just checking for vitals, I had to give blood and take shots at like 4 A.M. I finally met the stoma nurse who helped me empty my ostomy pouch. It was much easier than I thought. By the 3rd day I was tolerating my “food” OK and got on a low fiber diet! This really helped me restore energy and feel normal again to chew FOOD. BY day 4 I had much more energy and they removed my catheter. It was much more painful then expected. I was just pleased to have it gone and only had 1 cable with IV connected to me.

I still have a long way to go with recovery but at least my colon is gone!




Mike Schroll

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