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High Country Arizona Needs Help with Diet!

Michelle from Arizona with Colitis

Michelle with her Husband

I am a 48 year old stay at home mom living in the high country of Arizona. I was diagnosed in May of 2011 by colonoscopy after 6 months of symptoms. I love to hike, do pilates and spend time with my husband and two boys ages 14 and 12.
My Symptoms:
After being mostly symptom free since October, I am currently in the midst of a flare. I have been using Canasa suppositories for 2 days and the crampy, bloody and bloating stuff is improving.

My Story:

After “lurking” this site for about a year I have decided to share my story and hopefully get some tips from others. After being diagnosed last May I scoured the internet for information. I was confused to see all of the contradictory stories about how diet does or does not play a role in UC. My GI physician of course does not believe that diet is any factor in this disease. My husband, however, is an anesthesiologist- a MD- and encouraged me to research how diet can help or hurt me. I somehow found myself at a Paleo diet site and learned how dairy can be a culprit in all kinds of colitis- like conditions so I went dairy free last October. This seemed the easiest thing for me to try and the good news is that it worked! I truly felt that I had found something that worked for me and basically have been feeling great. Fast forward to June of 2012. Two weeks in Italy where of course I had gelatto at least once a day and ate pizza (with cheese!) and quite a bit of pasta. Returning home My CSA (community shared agriculture) share started and became inundated with vegetables that I was determined to use! One of the toughest concepts for me to wrap my head around is that some of the things that I think are “good” because conventional wisdom claims that they are so healthy- may not be “good” for me and my colon. I probably over consumed my share of pea pods, zucchini, etc. etc. and now find myself scratching my head why my symptoms returned.

Could I have over vegetabled myself in to a flare?

So now I am asking for some dietary advice. I ordered the SCD book and downloaded Adam’s book as well. I also just need to know that there are others that have experienced what I have.

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:
Symptom free! Enjoying life! Helping others with the knowledge that I have gained on my UC journey.

Colitis Medications:
I only have experience with the Canasa suppositories. I haven’t had to use any other meds.

written by Michelle

submitted in the colitis venting area

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