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Happy Easter UC’ers

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I’m sure some of you are getting ready to paint up some eggs, I can’t be the only one doing that today right?

To everyeone who’s sent a happy Easter email to me over the past few days, thank you so much.  I wish everyone of you who’s in the celebrating mood (or at least partially in the mood) the same vibe right back.

Although my family doesn’t celebrate Easter every year, this year it’s going off for sure in some major ways.  As some of you know, I’m actually in the middle of a road trip right now and currently down in San Diego.  It’s taken a few weeks to get down here (VW Van’s aren’t known for speed right), but here in one piece none-the-less.

Anybody recognize the guy on the right???
Hardcore surfer, professional soccer player, and still rollin sans colon???? I was lucky enough to meet up with him and shoot some video (which is getting edited right now) on Easter morning down in sunny San Diego. ((This picture was taken after the original post was written…just about three or four hours later…))

So what’s so special about today???

Well, if all goes to plan, a SUPER ROCK STAR writer and inspiration to pretty much everyone, is scheduled to meet up with my crusty butt in a few hours, and this special someone has agreed to bust out a video with me…maybe on the beach…we’ll see.  So, as long as the camera doesn’t crap out today, I’m hoping to bring you all some great video real soon.

But there’s another thing that I’m super pumped for today.  As my wife and I have been couch surfing south down the coast of California the past two weeks, our current hiding place is with a longtime friend of mine who happens to be a PhD in Immunology.  I’ve actually talked about him before if you’ve been following closely.  Well, his super cool wife is a PhD in Immunology from Stanford University as well, and tonight they are having over 12 friends, all of whom are scientists as well, and mostly immunologists (with partners of course).  So I’m hoping to learn the latest on what’s going on in that world and share any interesting news.

It’s a pretty rare opportunity to be sitting down at Easter Dinner with a group of people who are on the “drug discovery” teams as they are called in the big drug/biotech companies, but that’s cool with me.  Even though I’m not big on drugs personally, I’m super pumped to learn what’s in the pipeline and where things are headed.  As long as these folks can stay away from talking leukocytes, granulocytes and plymorphonuclear leukocytes…I think I might get the gist of the conversation…  But don’t hold your breath.

One crazy fun fact that I bet most of you had no clue about (like me a few hours ago)…

“The cells of the immune system originate in the bone marrow, where many of them also mature.” (Immuno Biology-5, The Immune System in Helath and Disease, Garland Publishing 2001.

(That above is from the first page of one of the many textbooks lying around this my buddy’s place.  He actually told me to take it/read it, so I’m going to give it a go for the next few weeks.)

Once again, I wish you all a super happy Easter if you’re getting your egg paint on, and I hope for everyone who is in the middle of a “flare up”, that soon enough you’ll be hitting the “flare down” and some relax living afterwards.

Cheers and go mellow on the beers,

Adam Scheuer

***(I’m heading out starting Monday April 1st on an 8 day camping/no/minimal internet through some state & national parks, so until we’re in Vegas, I won’t be able to respond to email messages unfortunately…Unless Joshua tress has wifi…we’ll see.)

**** (Also, over the past few weeks, I’ve started to add “review” pages on the site.  And thanks to all of your help, there are now some great and hopefully really helpful reviews for some different medications.  There are going to be many more to come in the future on a wider range of topics as well.  Feel free to visit the 6-MP Reviews, Remicade Reviews, and .  You can read and also add your own reviews if you like.  BIG BIG thanks to all of you who have already sent in your reviews that are up on the site!  Like most things with this website, it would be not helpful at all without your help!!:)

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