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Good Sleep – Does This Help with Hard Poops?

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Who’s Getting Good Sleep Here?

It used to just happen right?  Way back when we were seven, eight, and nine years old.  We all just fell right asleep and woke up in the mornings?  No big deal right…

Well, maybe it wasn’t that simple, but I for sure was great at sleeping, and I’m guessing that you were probably a great sleeper way back then as well.

I think sleep is a super big part of our lives, and good sleep is very important to making the most out of each day. (Ask your doctors what they think about sleep, if they say it’s not too important…well, I’d tell them to go pound sand  and find yourself a new doc)

As some of you know, I recently worked for several years in the medical field, specifically with a company helping people sleep who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.  (Sleep Apnea basically means you have disrupted sleep all night long or during different parts of the night.  Some think it’s only “snoring”, but it’s much more than that and you don’t have to snore to have it.  You can read up more about sleep apnea online at Dr. William Dement’s website:   Dr. Dement is a great guy, and founded the Board of Sleep Physicians in the US, he is also considered the father of sleep medicine.  He’s a super great guy, he doesn’t have or at least he didn’t tell me he did…but you’ll learn a ton from his site about your sleep)

Anyways…I started this job just about 11 months after my UC diagnosis, and I learned a crapload of things about sleep.  The biggest thing I learned was how important sleep is in all our lives.

I’ve been thinking about sleep quite a bit lately.  Mainly because ever since I’ve started the roadtrip I’m currently on across the US, my sleep has improved, and both my colitis and my sleep is in the best shape its been for several years now.(I’m not taking any medications or probiotics.  I started a few weeks ago taking every 3-4 days a Trader Joes multivitamin, which makes my pee turn yellowish green…kinda cool, but that’s it.)

Although I’m sleeping in the back of a Volkswagen Van most nights, I’m sleeping through the night without any waking up 75% of the time, and the wakeups are because of an overdue pee.(I know you all know that feeling).  So I’m convinced that its not all about the quality of the bed we sleep in…

So what’s up with your sleep?  Below is a link for the iHaveUC Sleep Survey, and I hope you take some time to fill out the questions, and I’ll post them at a later time for everyone who is part of the newsletter.

I’ll also include with the results some inside info that I’ve learned about sleep that I’m sure most of you don’t know about already.(Or at least 90% of physicians who I spoke with in the San Francisco area had no clue about unfortunately, same thing goes for my father and cousin who are awful sleepers.)

Click to Take the Sleep Survey — CLICK HERE

(the survey closes June 3rd, and the results will be posted soon afterwards)

Best of sleep to all of you,


Adam Scheuer

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