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Finding Success with FODMAP diet

Fodmap success story for ColitisI’ve recently reached my five year anniversary of Ulcerative Colitis (yay?) Still currently have a colon, although it’s been a very bumpy ride! My doctor has begun pushing the surgery so I’m currently exploring all options before making a decision.

Some more details:

I work in higher ed marketing and am an active kickball and flag football player. I have been trying to get into more running and recently completed a 5 mile race (the biggest accomplishment was no bathroom breaks!) I am getting married in December to an incredibly supportive guy who has enthusiastically tried every wacky recipe I’ve made this year in an effort to control my UC.

Symptoms Right Now:

Minor urgency, 3-5 bowel movements a day.

Fodmap Diet – Success So Far for My Colitis

Hello everyone! I wanted to share my recent experience on a low FODMAP diet. I’ve dealt with on-going flares over the last year and a half and my most recent scope showed severe active colitis. The “it might be time to visit a surgeon” conversation was tossed around, so I am doubling back on my efforts to revisit the impact that diet has on this disease.

I’ll be open about my struggles with the SCD diet. I’ve never felt well on it, and always continued to have active diarrhea unless I am on a higher prednisone dose as well. In an effort to try something new, I visited a nutritionist that specializes in IBD/IBS. She listened to my list of what I was eating and suggested that I try a no/low FODMAP diet. More information can be found here: It was created with IBS in mind but what immediately struck me is how food such as apples, onions, and honey are high in FODMAPs. These are foods that I eat everyday, whether through cooked applesauce or in my chicken soup. Otherwise, the diets have many similarities (eat veggies, fruits, and meat/fish and stay away from wheat/gluten, sugar, and processed foods).

I have been trying the FODMAP plan for three weeks now, and I’m very excited about the initial response-solid bowel movements 3-5 times a day (mostly in the morning, for the last few days I haven’t even needed to go at all during the afternoon and evening) no bleeding, but the biggest difference is I have absolutely NONE of the bloating or cramping that I typically have, and I’ve noticed improvement in urgency.

I know UC is such a personalized disease, but I wanted to share for anyone who may have noticed some on-going triggers with SCD friendly food in the hopes that you can find what works for your body!

Medications I’m Also Using:

Currently on Ascacol, entyvio, and a prednisone taper (down to 5 mg every other day). Have tried Remicade as well as 6-mp and Imuran (horrible reactions).

written by Court

submitted in the colitis venting area

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