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Documentary about Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Alternatives

Hey Everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that there is a new documemtary currently being produced by someone I met through the internet not too long ago, and who often comments on our site here.   His name is Reid, and he actually wrote a post a few months back for our site too.  He currently uses the SCD alternative to treat his inflammatory bowel disease.  He’s a super guy.  I am positive you will like what he is all about and even if you don’t agree with everything he is doing, he’s doing stuff that’s going to help a ton of people.

Anyways, he is producing a documentary centered around alternative treatments for our disease.  And right now, he is looking for people who are interested in making donations so he can fully fund the movie the way he wants to.  So far, it seems he has done the initial productions on a complete shoestring budget and he needs some help to get to the next step.   Here is some a little taste of the movie, and a link below to learn how you can help it out.  I highly recommend you watch the video to gain a better insight into the whole deal.
There is a great guy named Reid, who’s putting together an awesome documentary, if anyone is interested in supporting it, he desperately needs donations, you can help him,yourself, and others here:Be a part of the Colitis and Crohn’s solution, great job Reid! you are a super guy!(Adam and the other UC’ers)

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