Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Diet – What To Avoid And What To Include?


I’m a freelance journalist and language practitioner from South Africa, have four-year-old daugther and I’m happily married. I’ve been diagnosed in July this year and it was quite a shock (not sure if I’m over it yet!).

Colitis Symptoms:

I’m having a flare, urgency to go, bloody stools and lower back pain. I’m also feeling tired and irritable, and just ‘not me’.

My Story:

The thing I’d really like to know, is what should I eat when I have UC?

I was diagnosed in July this year, after having symptoms for at least a year and half. The symptoms started out as just a little blood after a stool, then mucus and blood, and then flared up to urgency to go, lots of blood, diarrhea, bloated, tiredness, moodiness and just really not being me at all. I was scared.

Have had 2 colonoscopies – the first did not deliver anything meaningful (I think the doc did not know what to look for, and was not familiar with UC!!). I must say – the first was done when the UC was only just peaking it it’s head out … the doctor even said she thinks it migh be piles, but she cannot really see anything … WELL … Went to a gastro-entestinal specialist the second time around, and was diagnosed after the second colonoscopy.

I’m still a little bit confused with haveing UC – there are so many stories and tips on the internet, and no-one can really tell from research what causes UC, what remedies really works, etc etc. So – I have not yet made real changes to my diet (I know I should!), but again – there are so many different opinions on what’s good and what not, that it left me feeling more confused. My question is: what food should I avoid at all cost, and what should I rather include in my diet? I’m taking supllements: Omega 3, probiotics, vit B, vit C and Zinc, as well as L-Glutamin. Oh, and I’m currently on Asacol (3xdaily) and Asaprez (2 daily). Sometimes it feels as if I’m taking so much medicines and supplements, it’s driving my crazy – I was as fit and healthy as a fiddle before being diagnosed …

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:

In remission and pregnant.

written by “Anna M”

submitted in the colitis venting area

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