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Dealing with Urgency

Meet UC’er Abe A:

My name is Abe and I am a 25-year-old male with ulcerative colitis. I was diagnosed about a month ago and started the SCD diet two weeks ago.

Some more background:

I am a college professor and professionally performing musician. I am also on a full ride scholarship getting my Masters degree. Ulcerative colitis makes all of these things incredibly difficult to do.


Currently, I have been dealing with urgency and diarrhea. I haven’t seen any blood in a while but it is intermittent. I have little to no gas. Recently I experienced a severe fever and nausea. I did some research and I think it might be “die off” symptoms.

Abe’s UC Story:

Ulcerative colitis has completely changed my life. I’m constantly afraid that I might eat the wrong thing or have an accident. Even going to the bathroom is loud and embarrassing. I have a very understanding girlfriend (soon-to-be wife) but it’s still embarrassing. It seems like I can’t eat out with friends anymore, share a beer and just be a normal person. At times this disease has made me quite depressed and eager to stay home. I’m not sure whether it’s the disease or the medication but I have been feeling fatigued and week as well. I’ve lost a little weight went before I was diagnosed I was trying to gain weight.

I’m most concerned that the symptoms will never fully go away or get worse.

One question is if there’s anyway I can deal with urgency for just one day. I have to make a long drive up to North Carolina soon with my girlfriend and I don’t want to have to stop too frequently or have an accident. I have Imodium which I was using to treat my symptoms before I was diagnosed. I read somewhere on this site that someone used that as a temporary Band-Aid. I’m just wondering if there are any other ways or better ways. Any quick fixes.
Another question I have is how long will it take for the colon to heal itself? I believe the diet I am on is low stress on my large intestine, but I still have incredible pain right before I have a BM.

I’ve learned so much from this site already, and I really appreciate the input everyone is done. By following SCD and doing some other things recommended on this website many of my symptoms have quieted down. Any and all input is appreciated and I thank you.

How Abe Treat’s His Colitis:

I am currently on the SCD diet. Natural supplements I’m using are chamomile and extra-virgin olive oil. Two medications I am taking our Uceris and balsalazide. I’m also going to start probiotics soon.

written by Abe

submitted in teh colitis venting area

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