Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

6 Weeks Medication Free, Thanks to SCD Once Again

Things are looking good again as we roll into spring over here with my colitis going into remission again.

Especially after getting out of a flare that crept up on me after the half marathon in Las Vegas in December. In hindsight, I am sure that the 8 week round of prednisone I started in January helped out in controlling my ulcerative colitis symptoms, and I am certain that my SCD dieting program I follow has allowed me to drop pipe bombs the past few days like a normal person.

When people ask me what the difference has been, and why I am gaining weight back and looking normal, the first thing that comes to mind is my theory about my gut bacteria getting back under control once again with the help of a very controlled diet.  For those of you who have not heard of the possible connection between gut bacteria and the signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis, it is nothing new.  In fact, I am taking part in a clinical study which I’ve talked about several times before on this website with Rush Medical Center in Chicago.  They are examining my stool samples along with many others(many actually who also read and use this website) to help determine how much of a factor diet plays in altering bacteria colonies within our gut/colon etc…  Ever since I started the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and had great results in healing my active colitis, all of this gut bacteria information has truly fascinated me.  There are several videos I created from interviewing a leading microbiologist from Stanford University who has dedicated his scientific career to researching gut bacteria and I suggest you watch them.  The gut bacteria videos are located here.

picture of me before dinner on April 18th 2011

Back to me, and how I pulled out of my flare and got back to a normal life where my UC is not controlling me.  In early January, I noticed symptoms of ulcerative colitis that were not going away, and I had strayed off the hardcore SCD dieting that was working so well.  So, I met with my gastro doctor, and I told him I wanted to start taking 15mg/day of prednisone steroids.  He agreed, and pretty much right away, I saw symptoms begin to get better.  I gradually tapered off the steroids very slowly(about 2 months in total) and six weeks ago, I was down to 0 mg/day.  All along during the prednisone steroids I was following the SCD program very strictly, that I believe is what has allowed me to continue on drug free with things returning to normal and my energy getting back to where it once was.

I know how hard it is to try a new diet, especially for people who have never watched what they eat their whole life, but you just may find it helps relieve some of your symptoms.  It sure has for me.  And I know I’m not the only person from this site or the facebook group with this story.  One other bit to mention, there are also many people who use the SCD dieting program to help control their symptoms along with using some form of a maintenance drug for their ulcerative colitis.  Whatever it takes for us to live a healthy life is just what the doctor ordered if you ask me.

I’ll keep you all posted on how the rest of the spring and summer unfold, I hope you all have a great rest of the week.  As much as I’m super happy with my success, I’ve got a LONG ways to go, there’s the half marathon in Las Vegas coming up in December, and we’re almost halfway there!!!


If you are interested in learning more about the meals and the diet, you can read more at the specific carbohydrate diet page.



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