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3 New Scientific Articles – ALL Colitis Related

Hey UC’ers,

After doing my usual research on PubMed (awesome awesome resource BTW!), there are several articles a whole bunch of you will gain a whole bunch from reading. 

(The articles are listed below and include the links so you can read up more on the specific studies.)

I hope you take the time to read the articles above to expand your UC knowledge, and who knows, there’s thousands of different scientific studies you can read any day of the week, so if you find some other topics on PubMed while you’re browsing through…more power to you!  ALSO, one big tip to everyone who did not graduate with a PhD in Immunology or microbiology…(that’s about 99.972% of us with Ulcerative Colitis BTW)…IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND a word or phrase you see within any of the studies listed above, take an extra moment and Google the word/phrase to learn about it.  Doesn’t take but a moment, and I guarantee you’ll be even smarter afterwards.

Keep your spirits up everyone.  If you’re dealing with awful bloody symptoms right now, and you’re thinking there’s no way in hell you’ll ever be able to drop a hard poop ever again…well there’s a lot of us who have some positive news for you.  It sure as hell can happen.  It can happen pretty quickly in-fact. (have you read the post “How Fast Does the Colon Heal…”?

Adam Scheuer

(PS: If you are still wondering what the heck PubMed is… get your butt over to the PubMed intro page... and get your read on and you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about!)

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