Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

2012 Colitis Camping – Video Included

Adam camping with troutHey there UC’ers of the world,

I hope you all have a few laughs with this years Colitis Camping Video that’s down at the bottom of this post, but most importantly, there’s a few serious messages that I hope seep in too.

I’ve learned a ton ( or should I just say CRAPLOAD) from everyone who uses the website, and especially from those of you who write me emails about your UC, your son’s/daughter’s UC, or your boyfriends colitis symptoms etc… And although after 30-50 emails per day and sometimes more, I often think I’ve heard it all about this disease… THE REALITY IS:

there’s always something new to learn,

and something new to keep you motivated

when you’re running a website for the UC’ers of the world.  ALWAYS!

One thing that not only keeps me motivated, but also pisses me the hell off, is one of the evil tricks UC plays on so many people.  Sure, there are the bloody, loose, watery craps that any UC’er probably knows about.  And certainly there are the awful joint pains, or abdominal cramps that nobody but a UC’er could understand.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s all true right?

But that’s not what I’m getting at here.  That’s not what I was thinking about when I created this video the past three days.   And I don’t think I got down and dirty for even a second about symptoms and common signs of UC in this video.  Nope, none of that yack.

What bugs the hell out of me is how so many people feel that life as you previously knew it is instantly over because of a UC diagnosis.  That’s such a jacked up thought,  and one which pisses the living you know what out of me!!  (And don’t get me wrong, I was guilty for thinking that a while back as well.)

 NO more of “this”,

or no more of “that”,

all because you have UC…

To me, that’s absolute BULL DOOKIE DOG

(as my cousin Lawrence used to say)

You all have to make that decision on your own.  If you want to give up on your dreams, and stop doing the things you love to do, well that’s you’re call.  But if you want to take a step back and find ways to continue your life as you want to live it, you’re in charge of those decisions too!

I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure that I’ll be camping until my final days, and whether it’s camping for you too, or something else, I’m pretty sure there are enough UC treatment options out there to allow you to make it happen. (And don’t discount surgery as an option, there’s too many UC’ers who are Extremely HAPPY with their brave decision to get surgery, I’m not one of them, but you can read their stories right here on this site too if you want)

Good Luck UC’ers!

You all rock in my book.  And for those of you who are scared as hell to be far away from a bathroom at this point in time, I understand.  I was thinking the same about 3 1/2 years ago.  Oh YES I WAS.  BUTT, that can change as well.  Keep your heads up, and life is going to be alright.

Here’s this year’s Colitis Camping Video:



-Adam Scheuer

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