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Ulcerative Colitis When Job Searching – What’s Better…Explain it or Not?

been while since recent typing up this story from today (Aug 7th..getting ready to celebrate father's 65th in Maine!)

been while since recent pic…me typing up this story from today (Aug 7th..getting ready to celebrate father’s 65th in Maine!)

What a great question, to mention or explain your ulcerative colitis (or IBD) or not when you are doing the job search, the interview process, or once you have started.

It is not an easy question for many, and maybe one size does not fit all.  But why not spend a moment and re-visit this topic if you have thought about it before…

I was moved today by an email from a special UC’er.  Her name is not important (and I told her I would not mention it in this message) but I think much of what she wrote may pull back memories for many of you regarding the interview process.

And, maybe some of you will have very different experiences, who knows..?  Maybe even similar.  The world treats us all a bit differently from time to time, and unfortunately not everything is fair, but we must move on.

Below is a clip from the email I received, and I hope that for some of you, it will be a reminder that letting the truth out doesn’t always cause problems.  Thanks for letting me share some of your email(to the special emailer of the day:)

And I’m really interested to hear if others have had experiences either way you would like to share on this job searching/should you tell them about the colitis situation or not scenario…heck, I’ve been through this several times since getting diagnosed.  (I’ve always told them prior, I think that’s the best way to keep stress free instead of holding info back…and all has been good)…but surely things are different for some, and the thinking behind is different from others for some very good reasons too!

Best to all of you,


Here’s the email:

It has been a year since my diagnosis and, all of the information, messages and stories really do help; I am doing well. I was recently offered two jobs and, for the first time, I had to decide whether or not to disclose my diagnosis. In both cases, I decided to do so, so that my potential employer would know that there would be times when I needed to leave my spot “post haste.” I was met with kindness and care in both instances. I hope that others have similar experiences; it is a challenge trying to decide how and when to disclose. This condition makes me sad some days. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I wish for the days when I didn’t have to wake up extra early or think about where the nearest bathroom is, but, you know, truly, I am appreciative of where I am today and that is all that matters. Everything looks a little different these days, but, I’m trying to keep moving forward. On a side note, because I am an English teacher, my smart ass son said to me, “It’s okay Mom, now you just have a semi-colon!” Spoken like a true teenager. I am always wishing you and my fellow UC’ers good health, a dash of patience, a smidge of faith and a large scoop of humor. Be well! And, thanks! :)

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