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UC Athlete Looking for Natural Ways to Control Flare Ups


Diagnosed in May 2011.  Age 29. Always been a health nut with a good diet and daily exercise. A few periods of intense endurance training for marathons and Century Bike rides.


Flare ups range from mild to moderate. Worst I’ve had is an 8 week flare that involved bloody diarrhea about 8-12 times a day. Time between flare ups seems to be 2-3 months at best.

My UC Story:

Symptoms started in Spring 2010 with Traveler’s Diarrhea I got on my honeymoon in the Dominican Republic. Symptoms lasted for 3 weeks before my general Dr cleared it up with Cipro. Symptoms came and went, although less severe, for the next 3-4 months. Got referred to a GI specialist, had a colonoscopy done and was diagnosed with UC around May 2011.  Although there’s no solid evidence that UC is caused by some foreign bacteria, I still blame that trip to the DR for my condition.

Compared to most people on this site I would say I have a mild or moderate case of UC. My flare ups have come and gone with some basic Canasa treatment..mostly.  At first, Canasa could stop a flare within 3 days and taking it for a full 2 weeks would put me in remission for a few months. Now It seems to take 6 or more weeks for Canasa to work and even then, another flare up comes in just a month or 2 after I stop taking Canasa.

I’m more and more frustrated with my Doctor

for being a “one trick pony” who just tells me

to take Canasa for 42 days every time I call with questions

or concerns or want to discuss some other options.

Currently experimenting with changing my diet to try and aid in stopping the flare. Tried eliminating alcohol, dairy, wheat, corn, apples, raw fruit and veggies in general (cooked only), beans, etc. etc…. none of that seems to be helping. I’d like to try the SCD diet, but honestly I don’t see how I can stick to that forever.

I’m extremely frustrated with my UC when it comes to having a flare during times when I’m training for a big race or cycling event.

I’m concerned about the dangers of long term drug use (of any kind, even canasa) as well as long term intestine inflammation.

Where I’d Like to Be in 1 year:

With my flare ups under control with diet modification that still allows me to have a satisfying and nutritious diet.

Colitis Medications:

Initially before I was diagnosed, My general Dr prescribed Cipro which worked well.
After being diagnosed my GI Dr told me to take Canasa for 42 days when I start to have a flare up.
For the worse flare ups, my GI Dr also prescribed Cipro… which i refuse to take because of the tendinitis side effects.

written by Tim

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area- Click here to add your story too!

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