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To Cave In, Or Not to Cave In

Hey everyone,
My name is Jayme. I am 25 years old and have had colitis symptoms since I was 12 years old.

I didn’t tell anyone until I was 19 when I was convinced that I was dying from losing so much blood. At 19 I had my first colonoscopy and was officially diagnosed with UC. Since then, Asacol has been used on and off when I thought my tummy was gonna go off track, and I guess it used to be helpful. Nowadays, it seems like nothing works. 3 years ago I did the SCD for 1 month just on a health kick, but after that month I went the longest I ever have without having a flare up. Normally the flares go away on their own after a week or two, but last year I got it bad. I was put on Prednisone and turned into a crazy person, but my symptoms went away. Unfortunately after that I went back to my old habits and did not follow the SCD. This time I have been having symptoms for almost 3 months. I just finished a 5 days juice fast and felt great during that time, but I’ve since been doing the intro-Diet for two days and now my symptoms are returning. The Dr. told me I needed to start taking Prednisone immediately, followed by “biologics” and I needed a catscan. I started crying!! I hate Prednisone, and I’m really opposed to taking medicine in general (I don’t even take asprin!!!) At this point I feel like caving in and just taking Prednisone to get over it and then vowing to follow SCD for as long as it takes to get better for good. I have a prescription for Prednisone sitting on my desk waiting to get filled, but I just can’t bear to feel like a crazy person and become hypoglycemic and feel terrible all the time. A lot of posts that I read say “just stick with the diet, in a few days you will have little to no symptoms” or “you may feel worse before you feel better”, and it’s nice to believe that is true, but is it? Should I just stick it out with the diet? Should I just cave in and take Prednisone? Help me UC friends!!!
My diet in the past 3 days has been-
2 bowls per day of SCD Chicken soup w/ chicken
1 Home made yogurt
a tiny piece of SCD cheesecake
tea w/ honey
why can’t I tolerate this?! ( I hardly have been eating since i just finished the juice fast, the chicken soup broth seems to be okay…should i only be eating broth?)
Thanks for listening to me whine! Good luck everyone! Hopefully this can help a few others make this difficult decision.



I take 1200mg of asacol 3x day

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