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This flare is really getting me down… it’s worse for no reason!!!

The flare is getting worse! I am scheduled for a colonoscopy about a week and a half after Thanksgiving. Almost as soon as I scheduled it (last Monday) my flare that was manageable and not so bad (but was there) became increasingly worse. I don’t know why… it just did. I didn’t change anything I was eating.. medicines stayed the same, no additional stress… The B got worse, and then the D. Now the toilet water is pink off and on—this was not the case before. This weekend was the worst! I’ve been waking up multiple times to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and in the morning. During “movements” my guts feel like they are being pulled and squeezed from the inside. An incredble ache overwhelms me and afterwards, I can feel my pulse throbbing in my lower abdomen. It hurts and feels like I’ve been punched repeatedly in the gut for some time afterwards. I just want to cry, but I don’t I stay as strong as I can. The fear of being hospitalized overwhelms me.

Forget if a friendly feline tries to walk on my belly, I must maneuver them away or block them from standing on my abdomen. It just hurts. I don’t understand it. I’ve followed the SCD religiously since April. Doing the intro diet several times. Actually, when this worse onset happened last week, I started it again. It’s just gotten worse. I don’t think it’s working for me. I called the doctor this weekend and explained to the doctor on call my situation and said I don’t want to get sicker before the colonoscopy in two weeks and end up in the hospital. (and of course this happens right before Thanksgiving!) So, he increased my prednisone from 40mg to 60mg. Today is my second day at 60mg. For sure I hope if settles it down a bit.

I am anxious to get this colonoscopy and hopefully they will put me back on the drug I was on before that worked for 5 years (mercaptopurine). I don’t want to try anything else like remicade of humira, not yet (when 6MP worked for so long before, I just wanted to try to come off of it… bad decision on my part) I am definitely welcoming it now. I want relief and I’m not getting it. I want my life back.

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