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There is HOPE…This Is My Happy Story After a Very Long 9 Months

Jessica is beating colitisMeet Jessica:

Diagnosed April,2012
Started sulfanize, bentyl, and then prednisone a month after being diagnosed.
I have been in remission for about a month now, and never thought this day would come.

AND: I’m trying to live with UC and make it to my graduation date from college!

My Symptoms:

I am happy to say that most of my UC symptoms are on the back burner! YAYYYYYY!

There is Hope Even with Colitis

This is my third post on this site, & several comments on other peoples stories.
This is my Happy story…. (knock on wood it stays this way). I had so many issues after being diagnosed not to mention, the first GI doc I got was an A-hole, guess that’s why he is in the profession in the first place. =) I don’t have medical insurance so was and still am paying for the hospital stay etc. Got put on prednisone after about a month after diagnosis. The UC still wasn’t being good to me even with the meds, but then the meds brought on severe side effects. Somehow I made it through the 16 weeks (which totaled 502 of those little white devil pills). I am in remission!!!!!!!!! I did this while attending college, working, and going to clinicals. (STRESS DOES NOT HELP UC!) But unable to take a break from school I pushed on. I finally found a good GI doctor, which probably helped a lot. Even after being off the steroids, I had a sinus/bronchitis infection for about 5 months, did 5 different rounds of antibiotics, even went to see a infectious disease doctor to help with all the issues I was dealing with. Went and seen an ENT (Ear Nose & Throad Doc), then went to a pain management doctor, which actually helped. I did trigger shot injections, 2 in neck, 2 in shoulders and 2 in low lumbar area (which hurt like heck!) cause if the trigger point injections didn’t work I was going to try something called prolotherapy… I did a lot of research on the drugs they wanted me on to control the UC, looked up a lot of herbal supplements, and watched my diet to the best of my ability.

I am finally in remission and couldn’t be happier!

Just thought I would share this with the rest of you that haven’t reached remission yet.

There is HOPE.


sulfazine, bentyl & buspar. (finally off the prednisone sept 20th,2012)

garlic tablets, valerian, kava-kava & probiotics

written by Jessica

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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