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Stay Away from Delzicol


UC since 1985, Asacol for most of those years and in remission for almost 5 years until i was forced to switch to delzicol. Worse flare in my life. Just convinced my GI Doc to switch me to ASACOL HD. Started 4 days ago, still having some symptoms and real tired.

Some more about me:

I am still alive after having UC since 1985

My Colitis Symptoms:

Currently having some of the classic symptoms. Just started on the Asacol HD after being forced from the Asacol to the Delzicol capsules.

Stay Away from Delzicol

Is anyone else having a bad reaction to the Delzicol? WC (the manufacturer) did offer to buy back the delzicol i have, but the doctor would not switch me to the Asacol HD at that time. Have not called back to get them to buy back what I still have.

I have UC since 1985, at that time i was placed on sulfasalizine (alzufidine) for a few years and when I changed doctors, I was placed on Dipentum for a few years and then on on Asacol. Asacol worked fine once the dosage was adjusted. Everything was fine until WC decided to change it because the FDA suggested changing an inert ingredient and when they did that, they placed it in a capsule. The capsule would get stuck part of the way down and create a gagging effect.

I contacted the manufacturer about this and while they listened, they did little other than an offer to buy it back but would not replace it with asacol or asacol HD. That would have been fine, but the GI doctor would not change the meds.

So If I were to give advice on this drug, I would say to try and find something else, based on my experience.

I did start taking the capsule off of the pill and that did make it easier to swallow, but the effect was not like the old asacol, the pill would just pass through the colon and drop to the bottom of the toilet. I have checked into alternative methods of treating UC, but I have met unreasonable resistance from my spouse and the medical community. I think the SCD diet should be tried, worse case it you will eat healthier and you may help balance this mess out.


ASACOL (400 mg). 5 years of complete remission and the prior flares were relative minor, until I was forced to switch to Delzicol. Then the worse flare in my life (1985 to now with UC).

written by Tim L

(Related Story:  Why Asacol Changed its Name to DELZICOL:

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