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Specific Yoga Poses May Help Get Colitis Under Control

yoga pose for colitis

Braj in the middle of a pose


I’m Braj from India working as a Software professional.I’m currently under remission , But I’m happy to share my struggle with UC. I was diagnosed UC in oct 2011, but I had this disease around 12 years without having blood in my stool. Maybe the Indianised way of living helps to control this disease.

Current Symptoms:

I currently on remission one motion daily with no blood and nice formed stool

Yoga Poses for Colitis:

Oct 2011 i was diagnosed with Chronic UC with moderate. Doctor gave me Mesacol 800 mg twice and entofoam enema night. For one moth i was feeling fine. Then i got flare up and got admitted to hospital , but only Predistone 60 mg/daily and Mesacol 800 mg thrice. I got discharged and feeling very weak. I did some research and found a wonderful routine for my self. Yoga is amazing way to kill this disease.
1) Eat lots of fruit in morning ( Papya, apple, Pears,Chikoo, Banana etc)
2) Avoid oily, spicy foods. Mostly salt.I’m taking little. Unknowingly about the disease i left milk and wheat products long back. So i was under control i feel
3) Stress Buster (1 Hr Yoga Dailly mandatory) , But specif asana which will improve your digestive system

1. Inverted staff pose : Helps in relieving diarrhea , flatulence , abdominal cramping , indigestion. Dwi = two. Pada = the foot. Viparita = reversed or inverted. Danda = Staff.

2. Bound angle pose : Helps In improving digestion and blood circulation to abdomen & pelvis. Baddha Konasana

3. Wide-angle seated pose : Helps in improving circulation to abdomen/pelvis , digestion overall. Kurmasana

4. Half-plough pose : Helps soothe nerves & relax mind & digestive complaints associated with anxiety. Halasana

5. Bridge pose : Helps with overall digestion , diarrhea & abdominal cramping.

6. Legs up the wall pose : Helps soothe sympathetic nervous system , relieve anxiety-associated diarrhea , indigestion & nausea.

7. Hero pose : Helps in relieving stomach acidity, flatulence , abdominal cramping.

8. Downward facing dog : Helps to calm nervous system , relieve constipation and indigestion.

9. Headstand : Hhelps relieve spastic colon , stabilize digestive tract.

10. Shoulderstand : Helps IBS , colitis , chronic constipation , or hemorrhoids.

Smile always this disease is not a serious disease.

If you out of the scare of UC ,

then you are out of UC very soon.

All the very best. You are out of Immunity to fight this disease and yoga will give you immunity. Don’t fell stressful doing yoga. Sahaja(Easy) Sukham(Feel confortable) Yoga(Join your mind with body which is running because of scare of UC) everything will be fine.
All the best..

Colitis Treatment:
Yoga and Predistone during flare up and proper diet which is easily digestable. I feel SCD is the best diet

written by Braj

Submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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