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Soon To Be Up A Creek Without A Colon

Meet Gillian:

I’m currently 29, and was diagnosed with UC a little over a year and a half ago….right after the birth of my daughter. I’ve been in a constant flare since then, none of the meds worked and i kept getting worse. I ended up on remicade which worked for 2 months and then stopped working and I’ve just gotten so bad i can’t function at all. I’m going in for the 3 part jpouch surgery tues Oct. 9th. hoping to get my life back soon….

Colitis Symptoms That Are Driving Me Crazy:

abdominal pain, bloody and mucusy diarrhea. no energy, can’t eat or drink anything without feeling sick right away and rushing to the bathroom. light-headed a lot from lack of food. overall misery and stress and anxiety.

Ulcerative Colitis Story:

I am getting the jpouch surgery on Tues. Oct 9th…just a few days away. I’ll have a bag for a wile in between now and the final surgery. I’m very handy with sewing and was trying to find a pattern or tips for making my own ostomy support-cover up belt. If anyone has any links or ideas that worked for them that would be awesome. also, any tips for making the recovery easier and adjusting would be greatly appreciated. I’m more bummed out by the fact that i won’t be able to pick up my daughter for a few weeks…hard with a climbing crazy toddler!


I hate having Ulcerative Colitis and would love it to have never happened to me, but it has meant that I met and made friends with some amazing people who wouldn’t be in my life otherwise, so it’s got it’s ups and downs. My family has been amazing and helped me more than I’ll be able to repay…but i guess I’m lucky in that regard. My friends have also been so great helping me thru all of this craziness.
I know lots of people out there who have had UC longer than me, but I feel like it seems like forever since i was able to function at a normal level and I really can’t wait to get back to something closer to “normal”

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:

healthy and back to being able to care for myself and family and able to do activities like Warrior Dash again!

Colitis Medications:

I hate prednisone, does not work for me but i get every one of the stupid side effects….can’t wait to be off the stuff….it turns me into crazy mega-bitch :(

written by Gillian

submitted in the colitis venting area

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