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Smoke and Live


I’m a 54 Year old male

My Colitis Experience:

I stopped smoking 30 years ago when I worked in Dubai and then got cramps and blood all the time, went to an American hospital and they could find nothing wrong but I started smoking and it went away.
1 year later I stopped and again 3 months later in the hospital with severe Ulcerative Colitis.  They did the thing with the scope and took a small piece of my bowel but it was inconclusive so they just gave me colifoam and yellow tablets called salazophyren but I had to take 2 4 times a day + colifoam and it made me dizzy so I started smoking and the UC cleared up.
Stopped again 10 years ago and UC again so just started smoking and it cleared up.

Same thing 4 years ago.

I keep smoking now, maybe 10 a day and only smoke half the cigarette and will never be able to give up but I run and play competitive squash.

The annoying thing is I could give up smoking but am afraid to, I am glad I read your stories.

I told the Doctors in Scotland but they just dismissed me.

I have met people who have stopped smoking and then diagnosed UC/Crohns and have had colostomy bag permanently fitted.
On another note my friend stoped smoking and was diagnosed with deppression and he started smoking again, and is now fine.

How many other diseases are caused by stopping smoking ? its quite scary.

I think it is better to smoke than stop and wait for UC to come back because as you will know when you have it your life is ruled by the availability of a toilet.  When I went skiing I would have to take wipes and spare pants but I would not eat all day until back in hotel where there was a toilet.


Colifoam made me dizzy.
salazophren made my pee like treacle


written by “Le Poisson”

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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