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Some Relief!


Barb M – I am a 43 year old woman, married with two children. From Philadelphia. My motto is to live life to the fullest! Kinda of tough when you are having a flare but always try to think positive!

My Colitis Symptoms:


Colitis Story:

OK here it goes…..I have had Colitis for 14 years. I was diagnosed when I was pregnant with my son. Since then I have had a few flares. Seems to come when I am stressed or if I eat a lot of things like salad, fruits, onions doritos, chocolate, coffee, I try to avoid these things big time especially when I am having flare ups. The thing that really killed me the most was my social life. I missed so many of my son’s hockey games and baseball games because I feared that there would not be a bathroom open….YIKES……If you have Colitis you know exactly what I am talking about…

Just this year I decided to quit smoking which caused yet another flare but refused to give in and go back to smoking. For 11 months I battled with this flare took Predisone and Asacol and I even did the shots of Remicade which did nothing. I switched doctors, she told me that the other doctor took me off to soon and that is why I kept flaring up. I was so inflamed, she put me on 40mg Prednisone for four weeks and the 30 for four and so on. I am now down to 10mg and feeling much better. I have been healing since July and I am feeling much better. The fact that I can attend my son’s baseball game with out the urge of going to the bathroom is RELIEF alone!

I just order Adam’s ebooks so I am hoping the recipes will help when I get off all this medication. It is a little scary the thought of being off all the medication but I am gonna have to stick to my new way of living and stay away from certain foods which I love but will be worth it!

Where I’d like to be in 1 year:

Off all medications and being able to eat what I want.

Colitis Medications:

Prednisone is a miracle worker for me.

submitted by Barb

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