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Possible Ulcerative Colitis, But Not Convinced Yet


I am a 47-years old and was recently told I have colitis from an emergency room doctor. Not yet convinced….I still have to make a follow-up appointment with a GI doc.

Some more about me:

I am married with one beautiful daughter. I love to read…never go anywhere without a book in tow! I also love running and playing computer games.


Bleeding, cramping
Only one instance of diarrhea

Possible Ulcerative Colitis, But Not Convinced Yet

I would like to mention that I have had NO symptoms at all until this past week.

I basically ate dinner (everything was fresh), watched TV and then went to bed.

I started having horrible cramps, like I needed to go to the bathroom. When I first started to go, my first thought was food poisoning because I was so sick and thought I’d never stop going. I was nauseous, sweating profusely and scared I was going to pass out! After I finally stopped, went back to bed and woke up in the morning feeling horrible.

I had cramping and pain in my abdomen and blood when wiping.

I felt like I needed to go, but was only bleeding. The pain was scaring me – I thought I might be pregnant and miscarrying or something. I decided I better get to the ER and then had a CT scan, physical exam, urine test and blood tests. Everything came back normal, except the doc said the CT scan showed colitis (not UC, but colitis – is there a difference?). I am not convinced (yet) that I have colitis as I’ve never had this issue before. Also, I have not had one BM since my diarrhea, 4 days ago…but still bleeding (now I’m scared to go). I think that’s weird – is that normal? From what I’ve read on this webpage, most of you have frequent bathroom trips, not the other way around, but please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m usually pretty regular, but can get constipated like anyone else. I am praying I do not have UC as I’m not really disciplined in eating a proper diet (this has certainly encouraged me to change) and drink soda and wine on a regular basis. My husband says this is a “forever” thing, not a “one-time” diagnosis. Anyone have any thoughts? I know the GI will have to be seen and probably a colonoscopy done, but I’m hoping this is a one-time issue. Am I in denial?? Is it possible to have colitis just once (due to bacteria or something). I’ve been home from work and extremely down about this, but compared to some of you, I have it so easy, I know. Kudos to you all who are dealing with UC as I had no idea this existed until this week. As you can see, I have many questions, so any input you have is truly appreciated.


Two antibiotics (Flagyl and Levoquin) and Bentyl for the cramping.

written by Dee

submitted in the colitis venting area

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