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Need Help Getting Started on the SCD Diet

Introduction to Keith:

Have had UC for the past ten years, have taken Asacol when my symptoms flair up, but stop when they stop. I am now looking to start the SCD, and am looking for answers.

Keith’s Ulcerative Colitis Story:

I started having symtoms 10 years ago, and after several doctor visits was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Have been on and off medication for the past 10 years also. I have worked with diet, but have avoided the S C D. Did not think it was doable or necessary. A friend of mine just had a large part of his digestive tract removed due to ulcerative colitis, and this was a wake up call to me.

My doctor says there is no relationship

to the food we eat,

but I am confident from the feed back I get from others

that there is.


As I get started on this diet I have a tremendous amount of questions that are not answered by the book or I am not seeing them . I am using the New Year as a jumping off point to get started . So here are some of my questions :

Are there any support groups for UC? (

Can anyone give me any feedback/experience on starting the Specific Carbohydrate Diet while I am on Asacol ( symptom free today ) ?

Can you juice on the diet ?

How are the first few months, it seems I can only eat protein and vegetables , is this doable?

Are there other resources in Southern California or anywhere that I should be looking into?

Is there a store or restaurant in Orange County , CA or online that has food that works with SCD ?

Any help or comments are appreciated. thank you to every one who has spent so much time helping people with U C.

I a m v e r y g r a t e f u l f o r e v e r y o n e s s u p p o r t.

**written by Keith**

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area


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