Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Miracle Healing


I am a forty year old mother of two living in N San Diego County.
I was first diagnosis ed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2001 (lower portion of colon affected).


currently all my symptoms are gone! I feel better than ever!

My Story:

Suffering terribly, my daughter had a field trip to California Pizza Kitchen to learn about fractions.I had been in bed for about four weeks by this time and it was starting to really affect my youngest child. so Feeling absolutely horrible, I put on my brave face and went. A mom asked if I’d like a piece of pizza and eventually I ended up telling her about my problem. She recommended Dr. Chen (a Chinese herbalist) who helped her sister with UC who actually had her colon removed when she was 20 rs old. Once I got home I went on his website and immediately booked an appointment to see him. Over half of his practice has UC and people from all over the world have come to see him. He put me on a UC diet and prescribed some herbs. The diet was mainly cooked veggies and a small amount of protein – no chicken – which was the only thing I thought I could eat! So basically I went from not being able to eat ANYTHING to being able to eat a wi de variety of food within two days! No joke!! My husband and I could not believe the results. It has been like a miracle!
Dr. Chen specializes in UC and has saved my life!! I strongly suggest that anyone severely suffering go and see him!!! He will be able to help you. He knows about all the drugs out there currently being used to treat ulcerative colitis and works with your medical Dr to slowly wean you off any drugs you might be on.
If I had not been completely honest with this mom, I might not have ever found him. So please don’t be shy or embarrassed about your situation because you never know what kind of help or support you may receive.
again his name is Dr. Gary Chen, Encinitas, CA

Where I’d Like to Be in 1 Year:

I’d like to continue to be symptom free living a normal happy life with my husband and my kids!!!

written by Ali

submitted in the Colitis Venting Area

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