Site icon iHaveUC – An International Ulcerative Colitis Community

Millions of Gut Reactions Per Hour

What the heck is going on in our gut?  It seems that one of the answers is: “Millions of reactions per hour”.

So, I wanted to let everyone know that next month I will be meeting with a leading scientist in the field of Micro-Biology and Immunology to learn more about the gut and to ask some questions that hopefully all of us will benefit from. (I am super excited about this, and hope that it will be the beginning of a new part of this site which can focus on current and past medical research to make all of us more informed.)

This scientist has recently completed a lengthy study on microbiota (I’m going to have to look that one up in the dictionary first off) and antibiotics.  The scientist told me he was not interested in speculating too much on UC, but would be happy to share data from his studies.

So, to make this as valuable as possible.  I was hoping that anyone who has questions they would like to ask a scientist(who is an expert in microbiology and immunology and specifically antibiotics with relation to the gut,) please write a comment below and I will try to incorporate your question(s) into the meeting next month.

I have received quite a few emails and questions here and on the facebook group regarding antibiotics and if there are problems with antibiotics and ulcerative colitis etc… And for sure I don’t have those answers…yet.  It seems that there is probably all kinds of speculation amongst physicians about this topic as well.  So, quite possibly a scientist’s perspective might shed some light on some of our questions and concerns on this topic.

If you are anything like me, you have probably been so happy a few days in your life to have had access to antibiotics when you really needed them.  But, at the same moment, you might have also wondered what the long term effects from those antibiotics are as well…

Let me know your questions via a comment below, and I’ll do my best to work them into the meeting.  Assuming my flip camera is still working, the meeting should be at least partially taped for everyone to see later on.

Some questions I am intersted in asking are:

– why do we fart, and why is it sometimes stinky and other times not?

– where is a fart created, what part of the digestive system?

– are probiotics good to use while taking antibiotics?

– I wonder if the scientist takes probiotics?

– what might trigger ulcerative colitis symptoms? why does it start?

– what are some of the current studies with regards to ulcerative colitis?

– is finding a cure for UC something that is a priority in the medical research world?

– what is the biggest priority in the gastro research arena, what is getting the most funding currently?

– when a colon is damaged and inflamed, is it damaged for life, or can it get back to normal?

–think up some more and comment them below

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