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Mentally and Physically Tired of Ulcerative Colitis


I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at age 21. Now age 24 going through second flare.


My Current Story:

Hello. I am a 24 year old student going through my second flare with Ulcerative colitis. The first time around, I had waited close to a year of showing symptoms before I felt that I had to see a doctor. I did not have insurance at the time and as the symptoms got worse( Eventually I was going to the bathroom 20-30 times a day with lots of blood) I felt more scared to see a doctor. After my first examination, The doctor started me off with 6 Asacol daily. Eventually I was prescribed 12 Asacol daily, 6MP, Canasa, and at the highest 60mg daily prednisone. After about a year of being on medication, I felt like I was better and eventually stopped taking my medication. I was under the impression that I had beat the disease. I was happy, all though the presumed victory did not come with out its price. My stint with the prednisone ruined my relationship with my girlfriend of three years (now ex girlfriend). I had used all my savings and had to borrow money from my parents to cover the cost of my meds. I was happy to feel healthy none the less. About 4 months ago though, my symptoms came back with a vengeance. my symptoms quickly escalated until I was going to the bathroom 20-30 times a day again, this time I had less blood but my abdominal pain seemed worse. My doctor started me back on Asacol and prednisone. After only seeing marginal improvements, my doctor performed a colonoscopy, while I was flaring. It was excruciatingly painful. My doctor let me know that My flare is more severe this time and most of my colon was effected. I am currently on Asacol, 6mp, Hydrocortisone suppositories, and 60mg of Prednisone. I am genuinely scared because this time around the prednisone does not seem to be working the way it did last time. Over the last couple of years, I worked very hard to transfer to the college of my dreams (UCLA) and I have been accepted for the up coming fall semester. I am not sure if I will be better in time to attend fall semester. I am worried that my life as I have planned will not be possible. I am trying my best to keep a positive outlook, but I catch my self feeling angry and depressed. It feels surreal sometimes that this is happening. I don’t know what to do really to keep hopeful. I am usually pretty well put together, but I can’t go half a day with out crying my eyes out. I just feel so tired both mentally and physically.


Asacol X 12, 6MP, Hydrocortisone Sup X2, 60mg Prednisone

Submitted by: Jae

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