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Mad Mom – My Son’s Still in the Hospital


I am the mother of 14 year old boy, diagnosed in July 2013 with severe pan-colitis. I am interested in natural living (maybe a little “crunchy”) and the healing ability of the body when given the appropriate resources, so being forced into the medical system has been more than disturbing for me.

My Son’s Colitis

My son has been in the hospital for nearly a month now. His symptoms started in May 2013, he spent a week in hospital in July after colonoscopy and blood work. Transfusions, infusions, steroids ensued. Nothing changed when we were discharged. Though symptoms subsided for about a month in September, after adding in alternative treatments, until he ate a bunch of junk and things flared again in October.

Currently he’s on 40mg of prednisone, waiting for Imuran to kick in, after two plus weeks of IV nutrition. They are starting Remicade tonight because he won’t stop bleeding, with loose bowel movements 3-5 times per day, though he’s gaining weight back and there is no pain or spasms at all.

I feel PISSED. I am tired. How could surgery be the only option for something they don’t know the cause of? I have been away from my other children for nearly a month now. My son immaturely scoffs SCD, though he doesn’t want surgery either. I want to SCREAM. I am stuck in this hospital. Stuck between knife wielding doctors and an immature son.

Why am I the only one fighting so hard to save his colon? Because he can’t see past today and his desire for a cinnamon roll, and I am certain, if this leads to colectomy, that he will have wished he’d tried everything when he’s 30. Everything in me just wants to get out of here and go see a functional medicine doctor. But we can’t leave because he’s losing blood (hemoglobin dropped 2 points in 3 days).

I vacillate between prayer and research. I angrily gave my 3 cents to God after the Remicade decision and now I can’t stop crying. I should probably leave the room; the tears upset my boy.

I am thankful to vent because I have no one to talk to here.

written by Stanley’s Mom

submitted in the Parent’s Venting Area

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