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Learn How To Use PubMed – It’s Amazingly Easy

Adam with big snake

ummm, you’re gonna like PubMed

 Have YOU visited before?

If your answer is no, or even if it’s yes, I’d highly encourage you to continue reading the quick and easy steps below for using PubMed to find UC articles.

This is one of those posts I should have written ages ago.  So my apologies for that, but the time has come, and I hope you take advantage of it.

PubMed is a giant index of citations and medical literature and much of it is available FOR FREE for anybody who has an internet connection.  OK, maybe there are some countries who block PubMed, but I’m not aware of them yet.

If you want to get up to date, which I do regularly, or if you want to read older publication/medical studies on ulcerative colitis (which I also do regularly) please look at the pictures below.  I suspect that if you have never visited PubMed, you will be blown away by how much information is literally at your fingertips, and you’ll be pleased to know that as of a few moments ago, there were 6105 full text articles under the search “Ulcerative Colitis” available for you to read RIGHT NOW.

Below are some basics on how to access the free texts that are available to you.  And bye the way, there is way more available to you then just ulcerative colitis related topics, you can search for whatever you want and access the free texts with the steps I’ll show you below.

Step 1:  Go to

This is the homepage on October 5th. They may have a different view depending on your geographic location, but it should look similar either way. If you get re-routed to a that’s fine too. Its the same place.


Step 2:  Type “Ulcerative Colitis” in the search box to see the list of results.  And you’ll see in the yellow highlighted area, is the “Free Text” section.

Once you type in “ulcerative colitis”, you’ll get a long list of related topics/articles


Step 3:  Once you click the “Free Full Text Available” link, you’ll then get all the texts/articles you can access for free.

It’s really that simple.


Make the most of it, and I’d encourage all of you to email the authors of the articles if you ever have questions.  Yes, there are doctors, scientists, and PhD type of folks writing these, but I’d say that over 80% of the time when I email an author of these articles, I get a response within a day or two which is alot better than your average doctors response time right!


Have a great weekend,

Adam Scheuer


PS:  Here’s a pretty neat one that covers a ton of things including diet, smoking and at the end they even mention stress and the possible relations to UC:


“Impact of Enviornmental and Dietary Factors On the Course of Inflammatory Bowel Disease”:


PSS: And here’s another interesting study from Iran about Bone Density and Patients with IBD:

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