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Kicking UC Butt!

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Hi All!

Name is Bruno, i am 25 years old currently been working in IT for 7 years or so.

Last year 2013 early Nov i was diagnosed with UC. 3 months prior leading up my diagnosis I noticed that my bowels were containing blood and I had diarrhea each time I went to the bathroom. I’m one of those ppl that dnt like going to the doctor so I thought if id give it a couple of weeks hopefully it will go away but it didn’t and each day the symptoms got worse and worse. So I decided to visit my GP and gave me some antibiotics which I used for 3 weeks but did not help at all.
That is when I started stressing and the more I ate to sustain my daily diet for gym the worse the symptoms got, so after 3 months I went to a specialist surgeon an he performed the tests ie: scopes, samples and blood samples.
Results came back and BAM! I have UC, I had no idea what the hell was UC until I researched it on the net and suddenly it sunk in as to how bad this really was.

Some more about me:

I love sports have a passion for cars and currently obsessed with ‘Body Building’, as a teenager I grew up skinny and slim(51kg’s) and from one day to the next I decided this is it! joined a gym and picked up 19kg’s in 3,5years until one day my body decided to throw me a curve ball :( and we all know what I am talking about… lol

Was healthy as horse, never visited the doc, never had any such sickness’s.


I currently almost have no symptoms for the past month or so.

Kicking UC Butt!

Basically two months after being diagnosed I lost 9-11KG’s and OMG I felt like crap, weak, no energy, depressed, flat and just tired all the dam time. I landed up going to the bathroom 7-9 times a day having bad cramps and unable to focus at work. Over December time I went away for 3,5weeks and it wasn’t the best holiday I’ve had mainly due to having UC which just brought me down and made me depressed. I would’ve have never thought a sickness could bring someone down so much, I mean last time I was in a hospital was when I was a kid and that was for a bashed head.

Doc prescribed me Asacol + an Antibiotic(forgot the name) and while I was on the meds there was absolutely no change to my symptoms at all!!!!!!! at this point I was ready to just give up! but fortunately my family and friends were there to support me in a huge way! So I decided to research other alternatives to treat myself and I am soooooo glad I did. As most of us know ‘DIET’ is a huge factor don’t let any doc or anyone tell you otherwise. I stopped eating diary, spicy foods, sugars, sulpher dioxide, beans, carbonated drinks, deep fried foods and nuts… all these foods at my symptoms peak made my symptoms even worse, some worse than others. After trying numerous health remedies and advise from family and friends I found a combination that works for me. As a result I’m currently in remission (4weeks now) with no sides and with no prescribed medication.

After I started taking the below ‘medication’ I kid you not my diarrhea stopped from one day to the next :0 I was absolutely ecstatic that my bowel was almost a solid… Iv never looked at my poo with such joy :) and 7-9 visits went down to 1-2 visits a day, no cramps and A LOT less blood, after 2weeks I stopped seeing blood as well which was a huge relief for me.
A few tips: Drink 2L min water a day, don’t mix fruit + veg in same meal and no rich creamy foods.

Morning : multivitamin + vitamin C, magnesium, omega 3, 1x tablespoon flaxseeds, BifidoFlora*, teaspoon Flaxomucil*, 3x Green Power tablets\powder and Zinc.

Evening : Vitamin C, magnesium, omega 3, 1x tablespoon raw flaxseeds, BifidoFlora*, teaspoon Flaxomucil* and 3x Green Power tablets\powder.

This so far has been working for me 100%, I am able to ‘cheat’ on foods and have chocolates or sweets without any troubles even drinking alcohol isn’t a issue and I’m also able to have a toilet free night out every night :)….. I’m back in the gym hitting it hard, and slowly but surely increasing the amount of food I eat and see what i can or not eat.

So that’s my story and I hope what I’m doing now will carry on working like it is now and i hope this will work for some of you too!!! Will def keep you guys up to date with how things are going.

Thank you Adam for creating such an amazing site!!!!

Bruno Cidrais

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